SRI’s minister said the opposition despises women; The president said he appointed her for being a “beautiful woman”
The Minister of SRI (Secretariat of Institutional Relations) (PT) defended the president (PT), which have named it for being a “pretty woman”. The minister said, this Thursday (13.mar.2025) that the president’s critics “Disregard womenAnd classified them as “opportunistic“.
“Repudiate the scoundrel attacks of pockets, misogynists, macho and political violence. They despise women. They don’t intimidate me or find me. Opportunists trying to disregard President Lula. Gestures are more important than words. There was no and there is no other leader like President Lula who most empowered women. It is not any leader who dare to launch the country’s first president, the PT’s first president, which most named women minister, at state -owned, BB, CEF, STM and many other places. What morals do you have? Have you forgotten the interviews, the videos in which Bolsonaro assaulted women, encouraging political and physical violence, prejudice, machismo? Scoundrels, respect the intelligence of the Brazilian people!”Wrote Gleisi at No X (former Twitter).
The context of Lula’s speech was between the Planalto and the National Congress, directed to the presidents of the Chamber, (Republicans), and Senate, (União Brasil), which were present at the moment.
“One thing I want to change is to establish a relationship with you [Congresso]so I put this beautiful woman to be minister of institutional relations”, Said Lula at the event of the Worker Credit Program, at the Planalto Palace, on Wednesday (12.mar).
The PT also spoke in defense of Lula. The acronym the federal deputy (PL-GO), which, in your profile in the X (Ex-Twitter), that Lula “offered“The minister”as a pimp offers its employee in a negotiation between gangs”.
According to the party, the statements “not only disrespects women in politics, but also reinforce macho, misogynistic and violent discourses”.
Em the PT did not mention Lula’s lines on Gleisi. Said it was “unacceptable”That a congressman“Use your social networks to disseminate misogyny, personal attacks and offensive insinuations, especially against a minister of state”.
The PT stated that the congressman “cannot be unpunished”After your statements.
“Having a representative with this type of posture is a shame for the Brazilian Parliament. Attempting to disqualify women through sexist insinuations is not only an attack on their dignity, but also an attack on all who fight for space and respect in society. Machismo in politics is a historical tool of silencing and intimidation, and we cannot normalize it“, But-se na nota.