The leader of the House, (AL), should take over the report of the 2026 budget, according to leaders and parliamentarians. If confirmed, the choice of the deputy will end one to see who would occupy the post.
It is the rapporteur who defines the allocation of funds for government programs and negotiates with the executive and parliamentarians what will be the expenses of the year. The function gains even more relevance in the election year.
The Lula (PT) government could also be relieved if the choice is confirmed, since the parliamentarian is an ally of the Planalto Palace. From the MDB Lulist wing, but it was.
A government minister states, under reserve, that Isnaldo’s name for the function would be “great.” The MDB leader was also remembered on the Ministerial Reform Betting Stock Exchange to succeed José Guimarães (PT-CE) in government leadership. But for the parliamentarian, the report of the Mixed Budget Commission (CMO) would be more interesting, according to allies, for having greater control over the budget.
The position is desired by the parties because the rapporteur gains power of influence with parliamentarians and ministers of the federal government.
In addition to being considered a ruling, Isnaldo is a right arm of the mayor, (-PB).
According to Motta, the definition of the commissions will take place during a meeting of leaders on the morning of Thursday.
The installation of the new composition of the CMO, formed by deputies and senators, will only take place in April, but there is a hurry among parliamentarians. In addition, the solution of this impasse between União Brasil and MDB has reflexes in the definition of other collegiate.
There are still many collegiate in dispute for parliamentarians, the CMO being the main one. União Brasil wanted the position and said it had an agreement with former mayor Arthur Lira (PP-AL) that guaranteed this.
Second reports, the deputies of the Elmar Nascimento Party (BA), Damião Feliciano (PB) and Paulo Azi (BA) were already organized behind the scenes to be supported by their colleagues to take over the function.
Emedebistas and allies close to Motta say that, despite the sewing with Lira, which involved the rotation among the four largest parties in the command of the CCJ (Constitution and Justice Commission) and the CMO, União Brasil took time to join the mayor’s campaign and, therefore, the hit would no longer be valid.
União Brasil, while.
União Brasil politicians, in turn, criticize the possibility of MDB to keep the post and work to reverse the scenario – so that this possibility is considered remote by deputies familiar with the negotiations.
Two members of the party summit say this could generate noise in the acronym relationship (which is the third largest bench in the house, with 59 deputies) with Motta. For the settlement that is being designed, the CCJ presidency of the CCJ will be offered to União Brasil, considered the main commission of the House, this year and 2026.
the dispute between the two parties had as its backdrop those of 2026. The rapporteur has a quota of $ 400 million to direct in the budget. This feature enters the cash of ministries and will then depend on additional negotiations with the executive to be executed.
In the evaluation of party leaders, this money can strengthen the cashier of allied mayors and boost electoral campaigns – even to increase the countertops in Congress in 2026.
Discussions about the command of the 30 commissions of the house are taking the work of the leaders this week. There are other disputes still taking place, for example, involving the CCJ (Constitution and Justice Commission) – which PL says it has been interested, although Motta has already rejected this possibility, which would break agreement from the previous year.
PL and União also compete in another front, at the Public Security Commission.