Hospitalized, Papa Francisco completes 12 years of pontificate

by Andrea

Vatican states that there is no planned celebration; Pontiff will spend the date at the hospital

Still at Agostino Gemelli’s University Polyclinic Hospital of Rome, 88 -year -old Pope Francis is 12 years old on Thursday (13.mar.2025). A Thanksgiving Mass for his period as leader of the Catholic Church was celebrated in the chapel at the Medical Center in the morning.

According to the most recent statement released by the Vatican ,. “The Holy Father continues to receive high flow oxygen therapy during the day and noninvasive mechanical ventilation at night. This morning, after following the spiritual exercises in connection with the Paul VI room, the Pope received the Eucharist and dedicated himself to prayer, followed by motor physiotherapy”Says the statement.

The Vatican reported that no celebration for the 12th anniversary of pontificate is planned for this Thursday (13.mar). The Pope will date at the hospital, following medical treatment for bilateral pneumonia.


Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the 1st Latin American and Jesuit Pope. During his period as a pontiff, Francisco made several changes in the Vatican. The reform of the Roman Curia is one of the examples of changes made by Francis. Thanks to the Pope, the Holy See’s Dicths and Ministries can be commanded by Laicos, including women.

Ordained priest in 1969, Bishop in 1992, Archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998 and Cardinal in 2001. He addressed the crisis of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church and took significant measures to solve the problem. Defender of the rights of migrants and refugees, he called for world leaders to take urgent measures to face the global migratory crisis.

Another striking moment of Pope Francis’ trajectory was when he declared in 2013 that he could not judge a homosexual person. Francisco also defends the reception of divorced in the Catholic Church, a posture criticized by the most conservative wing of religion. In 2023, Francisco also said that transsexual women are “Daughters of God” and should not be treated differently by the Catholic Church.

Francisco was elected Pope after the resignation of Benedict XVI, the first pontiff in almost 600 years to retire due to health problems. In his biography published this year, entitled “Life: my story through history”The Argentine revealed that he did not expect in 2013 to be elected the highest spiritual leader of the Catholic Church. “To say that I have never expected anything like that, never in my life, let alone at the beginning of that conclave, it is undoubtedly an euphemism,” he said.

Since taking over the papacy, Francisco has chosen to wear black and non -red shoes, such as previous leaders, as well as a gold and not silver crucifix. The pontiff also chose to live in an apartment in the house of Santa Marta and not in the apostolic palace, renounced luxuries of the Catholic Church.

In the last 12 years, the Pope has made 47 trips abroad for more than 65 countries and created over 900 saints. In 2013, Francisco was in Rio de Janeiro for the World Youth Day, event of the Catholic Church with the objective of mobilizing faith of a younger age group.

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