How to wash white socks when no detergent can cope with dirt? Just look at the kitchen cabinet. It is there that you will find the best and cheapest stain remover.

One of the pieces of clothing that is certainly the hardest cleansing is white socks. Some people spend the money purchased from the store, not knowing that they already have effective means at home. What are we talking about?

How to wash socks? Reliable solution: vinegar!

Vinegar is often underestimated, As for the household cleaning, because of its characteristic odor. However, you do not have to worry about the unpleasant odor that is held on the fabrics because Vinegar evaporates quickly.

  • If you prepare a mixture of 500 ml of cold water and a glass of vinegar and soaks sock in it for half an hour, not only dirt but also bacteria will disappear.
  • In addition, it softens the material.

Later, just wash your socks in a fine detergent and you’re done.

Domestic way of washing white socks. Vinegar you can exchange for your favorite spices

If you don’t have vinegar at hand but want to wash white socks, Salt or baking soda will be an excellent substitute.

  • Simply add four tablespoons of the product to warm but not hot water to get rid of dirt and odor.
  • As with vinegar – soaking should take approximately 30 minutes.

How to wash white socks? Whitening in a few simple ways

At home we can find more “treasures” that help white socks back their color.

We can use for whitening:

  • Egg shells – Put them in a very fine mesh pocket and put them in the washing machine along with socks,
  • Aspirin – Crush 6 tablets and mix with water. Sock socks for about 30 minutes and then wash them. Acetylsalicylic acid contained in aspirin quickly removes stains.

Handed you socks? There is a simple homemade trick! Will be white as new