Do you have honey and do not know what to do with it? According to beekeepers, you don’t have to worry about storage. What to avoid and how to mature honey crystallization?
Don’t be afraid of spoiling honey, the millennium lasts
Are you worried about the quality of honey? Do you want an expert advice? Above all, you should know that honey cannot spoil precisely because it is honey. In an environment that is concentrated on sugars with a minimum of water and air, it is not possible to grow bacteria, molds or other pathogens.
Speaking of “corrupt honey”, we mean one that curse. But even that is nothing bad. It is just a cosmetic shortage. The quality of honey or the way the beekeeper takes care of his buzzing wards does not tell anything at all.
Honey in the highest quality, containing all original micronutrients, aromas and tastes, lasts at least two years. But edible is honey all over the millennium. This is evidenced by the findings of honey from archaeological excavations in Egypt. Even such honey is safe to consume, but of course its quality is significantly worse.
Source: YouTube
Honey is the most played food
It is also good to know that crystallization, sugar content and fluidity of honey depend on the nectar of what plants produced it. Therefore, honeys have not only different fragrances, but also color and other characteristic differences.
In the post you could read that it is best to choose a local local. The fact is that honey is mixed, but also falsify all over the world, and in the last twenty years, many of us have revealed many fraud with honey. It was not only praised but also the manufacturer mentioned on glasses never existed.
So it is ideal to find an honest beekeeper of the little producer in your area. Even Czech products are not a 100 % guarantee of quality, but you buy honest honey more often. Among the imported honey from abroad is downright hop or trop. Up to half of the honey coming outside the EU tends to be unsatisfactory. Generally, honey is the most falsified food at all.
Now storage. Hedes can last in 100 % form if you freeze them. It’s strange, but it is. Such honey will take up space in the freezer, but because there is no water, the glass does not crack and the content certainly does not crystallize. After thawing it has the same properties as before.
It certainly does not crystallize even honey paste, or honey whipped. Its consistency is slightly thicker and the color is creamy white. Even this honey does not crystallize, retains absolutely all beneficial substances and just store it in normal conditions of the domestic pantry.
Beekeepers are of the opinion that you do not have to worry about honey. Just store it in a dry, dark place and at normal room temperature. Over time, it can begin to crystallize, but you can return the original fluidity using a warm bath. In order for honey to maintain its health benefits, you should not exceed 50 ° C when heated.
Honey does not belong to the fridge. It is here that crystallizes the fastest and the refrigerator environment does not bring any benefits at all.
Beware of honey pasteurized. Yes, you read it right! In some countries, honey manufacturers heat up to avoid crystallization. Pasteurized honey does not really lose liquidity, but this process loses all valuable substances.