In your inaugural speech in Superior Tribunal Militar (STM)the new president Maria Elizabeth Rocha He declared himself feminist and said he will work to face issues of social inequality.
“I’m a feminist and I’m proud to be a woman,” he said, he said during the inauguration ceremony on Wednesday (12). She is the first woman to preside over the STM in over 200 years and her term goes until 2027.
For her, contemporary feminism “challenges old dogmatic structures and prevails the multiple and intersectional experiences of the female.”
A, like black people and LGBT, in their speech.
Maria Elizabeth said she will guide her work based on three pillars: “Transparency, identity recognition and defense of the Democratic Rule of Law.”
Progressive declared and a divergent voice in the decisions of the court, Maria Elizabeth expressed the desire to compose her cabinet with transsexual people and individuals with autistic spectrum disorder.
In addition, she was also in process to hire a Venezuelan.
HAS CNNthe president anticipated the intention to “appoint servers privileging all the criteria of alterity and identity: gender, sexual orientation, race and people with autistic spectrum disorder.”