Gardeners, beware! This unobtrusive rodent can destroy your crop in a single night. Bodzomil Water is one of the most dangerous pests in our gardens. When you settle, it is difficult to get rid of it, and the damage it will cause is much larger than those from mole or voles. Learn to recognize this insidious visitor and find out how to humanely expel him from your garden.

Biteomil water – garden enemy number one

The bite is not a cause called a water rat. At first glance, it resembles an ordinary rat, but at a closer look you will notice the differences between these rodents. The bite is usually slightly smaller than rats. They reach a length of 13 to 25 cm and have shorter tails with fine hair (6-15 cm). Their extraordinary body structure gives the impression that it is a crossbreed of a large mouse and a hamster. You can recognize the bite by gray -brown hair, massive head, small eyes and rounded nose.

Bodzomil, although he reminds of the rat and so many call it, is not at all. Like this resistance rodent, however, causes great damage in the garden. Even larger than bodies, voles and mice, which often occur in our gardens. The bite is an omnivore, but his diet is the basis of parts of the plants. In our gardens it eats rhizomes, onions, roots, buds and young shoots of ornamental plants, fruits and vegetables. When searching for food, it creates extensive tunnels and smaller hills than the bodies, devastating modified lawns and flower beds.

How to get rid of a bite from the garden? Try these effective methods

The bite causes great damage in the garden in every season because they do not fall into winter sleep. Although their presence on the land is a problem, we must remember that these rodents are partially protected. We cannot use deadly poisons to extract them. Instead, we use human methods to expel pests from our territory. The best results are achieved when we use several ways at the same time.

Native Traps – the most effective method

In the horticultural stores you buy special traps that do not hurt rodents. Use a piece of carrot or celery as a bait. Place the traps in disposable gloves to keep your smell from leaving. Drain the caught animal far from the garden, ideally near the watercourse where it naturally occurs.

Ultrasonic Plashians – Modern solution

Bite, like other rodents, are sensitive to noise and vibration. Electronic Plashians available in stores make sounds, which human ear does not catch, but rodents yes. These devices are ecological and safe for pets.

Home repellent – cheap and effective

Napeline – If you want to scare away the bite, throw in his hills of 2 balls against naphthave molia. It is also a good way to the voles.

Cans – Kill the metal rods in the ground near the occurrence and place empty cans on them. Under the influence of the wind they will make sounds that are unpleasant for rodents.

Water after herring – These rodents do not like a strong smell of fish, so pour water into their tunnels after dipping herring. The à la Matias fillets are equally well served to clog the holes in the ground.

Coat – Fighting with bite will help a dog or cat’s hair. Place it deep in the hills, push it with a mallet.

A litter of a cat toilet – Pour it directly into the holes in the ground. The smell of cat urine is scare rodents.

Leach – Spread it without dilution in places where bite appeared.

Prevention is the best protection

What else can we do in the fight against biting? It is worth planting plants in its garden that these pests do not like. On the list are mainly garlic, dairy pea, crown royal, lavender, mustard or mint.

Another preventive measure is regular garden control. The sooner you discover the first signs of the presence of a biteomila, The easier you will get rid of it. Pay particular attention to small scoops of clay and damaged plants.

Do not forget about regular lawn mowing and weed removal. The modified garden provides fewer shelters for rodents and at the same time facilitates the detection of their presence.

Fighting a water bite requires patience and combining various methods. Remember that this is a protected species, so we choose the humane ways of driving it. With a little perseverance, you will be able to protect your garden from this inconspicuous but dangerous pest.

This way you will know that there are rats in your apartment. They leave 4 feet behind