Lipedema is not obesity: understand the difference and how to deal with this condition

by Andrea

Condition is characterized by the disproportionate accumulation of fat, especially in the legs and, in some cases, in the arms

Different from obesity, lipedema can occur even in people with normal weight

Lipedema is a often misunderstood medical condition that affects many women in Brazil and worldwide. The condition is characterized by the disproportionate accumulation of fat, especially in the legs and, in some cases, in the arms. Unlike obesity, lipedema can occur even in people with normal weight. In addition to fat accumulation, the disease can cause pain, sensitivity, circulation problems and other symptoms.

Main symptoms of lipedema

• Swelling – The affected areas, usually the legs, may have swelling and a feeling of fluid retention, which often do not improve with the elevation of the legs.
• Pain and sensitivity – Many women report pain, weight sensation and tiredness in affected areas, which can also be touch sensitive.
• Purple spots – may appear often and spontaneously.
• Skin changes – Skin of the affected regions may have a greater tendency to sagging, and has irregularities that may be confused with cellulite.
• Body disproportion – the condition leads to a disproportion between the lower and upper part of the body, causing psychological and aesthetic discomfort.
• Orthopedic changes – In advanced cases, excess fat can cause joint overload, leading to difficulties to walk and perform ordinary activities.
These symptoms can impact quality of life, leading to physical and emotional limitations on patients with the disease.

Risk factors and diagnosis

Lipedema is almost exclusive to women, but can also affect men. It is a multifactorial disease, with great association with hormonal changes, such as those that occur during puberty, pregnancy or menopause. Some risk factors include:
• Family history – Many women with Lipedema have relatives who also suffer from the condition, suggesting a genetic predisposition.
• Hormonal changes – Lipedema can be triggered or aggravated by hormonal fluctuations.
The diagnosis of lipedema may be challenging, as symptoms are often confused with other conditions such as lymphedema or obesity. The diagnosis is clinical, made by a specialist doctor after a thorough analysis of the patient’s complaints and the patient’s personal history, associated with a detailed physical examination. There is no specific examination for the diagnosis, but complementary exams can be asked to guide treatment.
Early evaluation is essential for proper condition of the condition. Early diagnosis is fundamental to prevent the disease from evolving and causing complications such as circulatory problems and chronic pain. Identifying Lipedema at first enables the implementation of more effective management strategies, minimizing the impact on the patient’s quality of life.

Causes and genetic predisposition

The exact causes of lipedema are not yet fully understood, but it is believed that hormonal and genetic factors play a crucial role. The condition is often observed in women, suggesting that female hormones influence their development. In addition, genetic predisposition is an important factor, as many women with lipedema have family members who also have the condition.

Control and Treatment

Although there is no definitive cure for Lipedema, several approaches can help relieve symptoms and control the condition. The basis of treatment lies in lifestyle change.
• Healthy diet – a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins, with low consumption of industrialized products, sausages and sweets, should be personalized according to the individual needs of each patient, taking into account allergies and food intolerances.
• Physical Activity – Professionals -oriented exercise, who consider complaints and the stage of the disease, are fundamental for lipedema control.
• Avoid alcohol and smoking – stop smoking and avoid drinking alcohol are essential measures to minimize the impacts of the disease.
• Compression therapy – the use of elastic socks, physical therapy with lymphatic drainage and the correction of associated musculoskeletal changes may be indicated to relieve symptoms.
• Medication and Psychological Support – In some cases, medications to minimize symptoms may be necessary, as well as psychological follow -up, to deal with the emotional impact of the condition.
Lipedema surgery can be indicated in advanced cases, with large volumes of fat or significant aesthetic discomfort. However, surgery should only be considered after the implementation of all lifestyle change measures, because without the adoption of healthy habits, there is a high risk of recurrence of the disease.
In addition to the balanced diet and regular physical activity, other important precautions include stress control, proper hydration and quality sleep, essential factors to keep the disease under control.


Lipedema is a condition that can have a significant impact on the health and quality of life of women who face it. Understanding its causes, symptoms and effects on health is the first step to seek help. Early diagnosis is essential to start effective treatment and improve quality of life.
The adoption of healthy habits and the search for management strategies with specialized medical follow -up can make a significant difference in lipedema management.
If you suspect you may have this condition, consult a specialist doctor for proper assessment and start taking steps to take care of your health.

*Dra. Andréa Klepacz – CRM SP 128575 RQE: 51419
Vascular surgeon
Membro da Brazil Health


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