The law that determines the end of the periodic inspection of motorcycles has already entered into force. It is also expected that motorcycles can circulate on buses for buses and have specific parking lots.
From this Thursday, March 13, the bikes are no longer required to perform regular inspections, a measure that was discussed and approved in Parliament and now published in Diário da República.
With the entry into force of the amendment, which removes this imposition of the law, motorcycles, tricycles, quadricycles, trailers and semi -trailers (with gross weight between 750 kg and 3500 kg, except for agricultural trailers) are free from the inspection obligation periodic, which was never effective due to successive postponements by previous governments.
The proposal that resulted in this change was presented by the PSD and approved by Parliament in late January. The decision was officially published on March 12, with the forecast of entry into force the next day. However, the diploma also stipulates that the Government will have 90 days To approve measures related to road safety of two or three wheels vehicles, but with political instability and the fall of the government, it is expected that this regulation will not be implemented within the established deadline.
In addition to the exemption of inspections, Parliament approved changes in the road code, with entry into force scheduled for 30 days after publication. One of the changes determines that by the end of the year, at least 5% of urban parking areas are dedicated exclusively to motorcycles and motorized tricycles, with a minimum of a place reserved for this purpose. The parking authorities have until December 31, 2025 to adapt the spaces to the new provisions.
Another significant change provides for the permission of Motorcycle circulation in bus corridorsintended for public transport. So far, this authorization has depended on a deliberation of the city councils, with the analysis of the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR) and the Institute of Mobility and Transport (IMT). With the new change, motorcycles may transit in these corridors without the need for any deliberation or prior opinion.