On a possible pre-election collaboration with the liberal initiative, the Minister of Defense he understands that “this subject is already clarified” by Liberals, who this week confirmed that they go to elections alone.
Defense Minister Nuno Melo says the fall of GOverne is due to the difficulty of opposition to finding failures in governance and assumes that the Democratic Covenant (AD) is focused on a result electoral in which it does not depend “Of the others”.
“It was created by the oppositions on the left and the greatest ally of these oppositions on the left, which is populism that says the right, but who for a year has always been next to the left block, the free, the PCP and the Pan and the PS.”
The Minister of Defense believes that “when a government rules well,” the opposition “has difficulty contradicting politically” what the executive does, accusing the parties to focus on the “small policy”, in reference to the “air suspicion”.
Ad does not want to depend on coalition with IL
“We have to fight for this majority. There is no such majority, then you will soon see it, ”adda.
The minister understands that the democratic covenant (AD) should “focus on a very big effort” to get a resulttado electoral that does not “Depend on others”.
“This implies not having many distractions and not talking about other scenarios. Talk about other scenarios why? I have to focus on a scenario that will give greater advantage to a political project, which is the AD”, He argues.