The new minister of, (PT), exchanged half of the eight secretaries that make up the folder summit. He also changed the position of two first -level members who were already in the team of Nísia Trindade.
The changes have reached strategic areas of health, such as SVSA (Secretariat of Health Surveillance and Environment). The sector deals with the dengue crisis, among other sanitary emergencies, environmental disasters and the organization of vaccination campaigns.
The secretary will be commanded by the doctor and sanitarist. She is former Deputy Director-General of the WHO (World Health Organization) and was acting as CEO of ITPS (Todos for Health Institute).
In a statement, health points out that the new composition respects gender parity. In the previous design, there were three women and five other men among the secretaries, but
The doctor Adriano Massuda will be appointed to the position of Executive Secretary of Health, a kind of deputy minister. He headed SAES (Specialized Health Care Secretariat), a folder that manages the most access to experts.
The program is one of the main bets of Lula Management in Health to Para consultations and procedures in. Massuda was Deputy Executive Secretary of Health in 2011 and 2012, during the previous management of Padilha in Health. He also participated in 2022 in the new minister’s doctoral stake.
Doctor Mozart Sales will command Saes. He was a special advisor to Padilha at SRI (Secretariat of Institutional Relations), where he participated in discussions between the government and the Congress on the release of amendments, among other activities.
Concentrates it for deputies and senators.
Lula has been charging that the Ministry of Health pursues a greater visibility action. In his inaugural speech, Padilha said that the obsession of his management will be to reduce the waiting time for specialized care.
Padilha maintained in positions the Secretary of Information and Digital Health, Ana Estela Haddad, as well as the Secretary of Indigenous Health, Ricardo Weib Table.
The Secretariat of Primary Care will be led by the doctor Ana Luiza Caldas, who was once director of the Ministry of Health. Former head of the portfolio, doctor Felipe Proenço was moved to the Secretariat of Labor Management and Health Education.
Padilha also chose Fernanda de Negri, economist and director of Ipea, to head the secretary responsible for the analysis and incorporation of new treatments into the SUS, as well as partnerships between public and private laboratories for the production of medicines and vaccines. The sector is one of the Lula administration’s bets for
Padilha’s team at the Ministry of Health:
- Executive Secretary: You know Swedenberger Barbosa and Adriano Massuda enters;
- Health and Environment Surveillance Secretariat: leaves Ethel Maciel and enters Mariângela Simão;
- Department of Specialized Health Care: comes out Adriano Massuda and Mozart Sales enters;
- Secretariat of Primary Care: leaves Felipe Proenço and enters Ana Luiza Caldas;
- Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation and the Economic-Industrial Complex health: Carlos Gadelha leaves and Fernanda de Negri comes in:
- Secretariat of Labor Management and Health Education: leaves Isabela Pinto and enters Felipe Proenço;
- Secretariat of Information and Digital Health: Ana Estela Haddad remains;
- Indigenous Health Secretariat: remains Ricardo Weib Tapeba;
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