Senators try to release drug sales in supermarkets

by Andrea

Congressmen asked to alcohubre to sell medicine of medicines that do not require prescriptions in the establishments; There is no consensus

Senators of some parties asked this Thursday (13.mar.2025) for the president of the Senate, (União Brasil-AP), advance with the bill to release the sale in supermarkets of medicines that do not need a prescription.

The request was made at a Senate leaders’ alcohubre meeting. There is no definition, however, when the proposal will be based.

There is in the Senate a bill of the leader of União Brasil, (PB), on the subject. It is currently under analysis by the Social Affairs Commission. Read A (PDF – 66 KB).

In December, the board approved a request to make a public hearing on the subject. The date has not yet been scheduled.

“Today, drugstores are selling more food than medicine. You enter a drugstore and have ice cream. […] But a good part of the senators are against [o projeto dos medicamentos]“, These (AM), PSD leader, house’s largest bench.

The government leader in Congress, (PT-AP), stated that the proposal will not be guided immediately and that the Planalto Palace still evaluates how it will position itself.

“Personally, I have my caveats. Need to convince me that being able to buy medicines in gondolas will not cause a public health problem ”said to Poder360.

Under the proposal, the sale may be made by supermarkets who have a pharmacist as a technical manager to provide guidance, virtual or in person.

MPS and other projects

Alcohumbre will meet on the afternoon of this Thursday (13.mar) with the mayor, (Republicans-PB), to discuss the return of mixed committees to analyze MPs (provisional measures).

According to Omar Aziz, the idea is that the House has 90 days to analyze the MPs and the Senate, 30 days.

“The advantage is that in these 120 days, There will be joint analysis of senators and deputies. So everyone will have access ”said the PSD leader.

The senators also asked to alcohumbre projects to:

  • anticipate deadline counting for ineligibility;
  • Create new rules of the Electoral Code.


Attended the meeting:

  • (PT-AP), Government leader in Congress;
  • (PT-BA), Senate government leader;
  • (AM), PSD leader;
  • (RJ), PL leader;
  • (MS), leader to PP;
  • (PB), leader of União Brasil;
  • (SE), PT leader;
  • (MG), Somos Leader;
  • (RR), Leader of the Republicans;
  • (Ma), leader to PDT;
  • (CE), leader of the new:
  • (PL-RJ);
  • (PP-PI);
  • (PDT-MA),
  • (PSDB-RN);
  • (MDB-PI);
  • (PL-RO).

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