One strong storm He hit the city of Rio de Janeiro on the night of Wednesday (12). According to the Rio Alert system, between 19h and 20h, 58.8 mm of rain in Santa Teresa were recorded, 43.2 mm in the URCA and 35.6 mm in Laranjeiras.
Due to the storm, some neighborhoods suffered from flooding and tree falls. In Rua do Livramento, in Gamboa, for example, a protective screen fell on the wiring, which caused the interdiction of traffic on site.
According to the Center for Operations and Resilience (COR-RIO), until the dawn of this Thursday (13), numerous occurrences are still underway. Check below:
- Avenida Presidente Vargas, central and side lane, at the height of the sambadrome, towards Candelária.
- Avenida Trinta and one from March, at the time of the family clinic, in Catumbi
- Pedro Américo Street, height of Rua do Catete, in Catete
- Rua Eugênio Hussak, in Laranjeiras
- Travessa dos Tamoios, height of Senador Vergueiro Street, Flamengo
- Rua Real Grandeza, in Botafogo
- Rua Minister Tavares de Lira, height of number 17, in Catete
- São Clemente Street, Rua Muniz Barreto, in Botafogo
- Rua Morávia, in Jardim Carioca, Governor Island
- Presidente Vargas Avenue, Cedae height, Centro. The side lane is banned and the deviation is being performed on the central lane
- Rua Haddock Lobo, Rua Sampaio Ferraz Street, in Estácio
- Rua das Laranjeiras, at Rua Pereira da Silva, in Laranjeiras
- Flamengo Beach, at Rua Barão do Flamengo
- Rua São Clemente, at the height of Muniz Barreto Street, in Botafogo
Tree and Branches Falls
- Rua Figueiredo de Magalhães, in Copacabana
- Euclides da Rocha Street, in Copacabana
- Rua Rivadávia Corrêa, height of the exit of the old tunnel, in Gamboa
- Rua Frei Caneca, height of the CF Olympic Medalist Ricardo Lucaewlli Souza, in the Center
- Rua Paula Matos, at the time of Ladeira Frei Orlando, in Santa Teresa
- Rua da América, near Rua da Gamboa
- Senador Dantas Street, at the time of Almirante Barroso Avenue, in the center
- Rua Sacopã, near Fonte da Saudade Street, in Lagoa
- General Pedra Square, in the center
Falls of Structures
A building protection screen of a building detached and fell on the wiring, interdicting traffic on Rua do Livramento, in Gamboa. Already on Avenida Presidente Vargas, at the time of Laura de Araújo Street, in the center, a rags fell.
A fall from a wall was recorded on Avenida Presidente Vargas, height of Comandante Maurity Street, towards Candelária, in the Center. In Almirante Alexandrino Street, Pau da Bandeira Street, in Santa Teresa, a post fell on the road.
See images of the rain in the carioca capital below:
Weather forecast for this Thursday
According to the Rio Alert, there is a forecast of rain showers in the afternoon and evening on Thursday (13), with lightning and gusts of wind. The sky must be partially cloudy. The temperatures will be stable and high, with a minimum of 21ºC and a maximum of 37ºC.
The National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) issued a potential danger alert to the entire state on Thursday.
*Under supervision