The most likely dates were anticipated by the President even before Parliament had the motion of confidence to the government: May 11 and 18. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa should announce the chosen date this Thursday, but why did you pointed to the head of state for May? Martim Silva helps to perceive.
The government has fallen and, with “other options” other than early elections, are completely discarded. The country again goes to elections and the President of the Republic has already pointed out two likely dates: May 11 and 18.
MARCELO REBELO DE SOUSA meeting that is scheduled for 15h00, and will then announce the date for the holding of early legislative elections.
But Marcelo had already anticipated this scenario of falling government and, at the time, argued that the process should be performed “as soon as possible”having pointed out May 11 and 18 as the shortest dates.
The explanation is simple. The dissolution of the Assembly of the Republic is expected to take place at the end of this Thursday, and elections can only occur 55 days after – Which will perhaps exactly in the period mentioned by the president.
And June? Wouldn’t it be a hypothesis? The option seems to be out of the questionsince June is a month of various holidays and many bridge hypotheses. Such a scenario would make “any very risky Sunday to participate in the elections,” says Martim Silva of SIC.
Faced with this scenario, the May dates will then be the most likely. But there is an important note to make: if the president opts on May 11 – the most defended date among parties – with the usual period of television debates in the fortnight before the campaign, they Debates will fall on the Easter.
Note also for an “additional political spicy”: is that Parliament decides for the week whether or not the Special Session of April 25. The date will ‘fall’ in the middle of the campaign and will give ‘a lot of discussion’.