This Thursday (13), the Federal University of Acre (UFAC) announced the opening of a simplified selection process for the formation of a reserve register of substitute teachers. The selection aims to meet the temporary needs of the institution, in accordance with current legislation.
Federal University of Acre/Photo: Reproduction
Entries must be made exclusively over the internet, on the University website, between 12h on March 13 and 23:59 on March 20, 2025. The registration fee is $ 80.00.
See also:
The tests will take place in person between April 7 and 21, 2025, in the respective campuses centers. The selection process will be valid for one year, with the possibility of extension for the same period.
The initial remuneration varies according to the title and the teacher’s workload. For 20 hours per week, the salary can reach up to R $ 4,339.21 for doctors. For 40 hours per week, the values can reach R $ 7,356.02.
The reserve register covers the Rio Branco and Cruzeiro do Sul campuses. In Rio Branco, the vacancies are distributed in various areas such as Madeira, Civil Engineering, Law, Libras, Nursing, General Surgery, among others. At Cruzeiro do Sul campus, opportunities are in the areas of languages, literary theory and law.
Each area will have three vacancies for wide competition, one for people with disabilities and one for black self -declared candidates.
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