What is the party for rejuvenation research?

by Andrea
Crosswords are a special game – and math explains why

After the pirates, we now hang out Partai für VerjüngungsForschung. You got a spectacular 304 votes.

The elections in Germany, Conducted a few weeks ago, they originated curious research. Namely in relation to the name and objectives of some of the parties.

We already presented the. Such a “Piratenpartei Deutschland”, the German Pirate Party that focuses on copyright, data protection, reinforcement of citizens’ rights, state transparency, internet and education.

The pirates got 13,809 votes. There were 0.03% of almost 50 million voters who voted.

In the middle of the 29 parties they competed, several had residual votes like this. Or worse.

One of them was the Party for rejuvenation researchque já foi o party for conventional medical rejuvenation research.

Translating: Party for rejuvenation researchwhich was once the party for conventional medical rejuvenation research.

It is a recent political force, it has only 13 years. Tries to stimulate the promotion of scientific research focused on the extension of human life; in fight against aging. Defends investment in technologies that can slow or even reverse the aging process to increase the longevity and quality of life of people.

It was created by several scientists and enthusiasts of biotechnology and regenerative medicine; They were concerned about the implications of aging and the lack of resources dedicated to this specific area of ​​science.

Therefore, as expected, it insists on public policies that encourage more investments in scientific research to combat aging, proposing a scientific and innovative approach to dealing with demographic and public health issues.

What are the Other key points of this party? None. Than we sought in yours, nothing more.

So how do you react when issues that have nothing to do with rejuvenation appear? Become Swiss: neutral.

It’s a party small, It has a limited support base; But it has led to apparent growing interest in anti-aging therapies and the use of science to improve the quality of life of future generations.

But it has not originated a growing interest in the party itself: in these federal elections they had the worst result, com 304 votes. It should be noted that they were only votes in Bremen.

Nuno Teixeira da Silva, Zap //

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