Kamila Součková 14. 3. 2025 clock 3 minutes video
Ass is our soup with pork blood and groats. Czechs are not the only nation of the enjoying bloody dishes.
While other nationals rise from bloody “goodies” for various reasons, including all sorts of superstitions, blood belongs to the permanent menu in the Japanese, Thai and Eskimos. In the Czech Republic for centuries, pork blood has been one of the abundance of habits. During socialism, goose and duck blood in canned were widely available in our country, today it is very difficult to find, but it is not impossible.
Pork blood soup, according to the well -known chef Roman Paulus here on the YouTube channel:
Source: YouTube
Hail ass
For 4 portions first prepare hail. Preferably the day before. Start by soaking 200 grams of grooves in lukewarm water for about 6 hours. Then rinse properly, otherwise there is a risk of blinding and re -pouring with fresh water. Cook until soft, it should take half an hour. They need to be allowed to cool completely.
Now is the broth of the broth
There are two options. Either you prepare about 800 milliliters of thick pork broth, which you can season with salt, also pepper. Add marjoram, cumin and garlic. Or, if you do a pig slaughter, prepare a broth of ovary, liver, brawn and deer.
And now is the blood of blood
Mix cold hail with 200 milliliters of pork blood. While stirring, gradually add to the broth, which should be hot to a maximum of 80 ° C at that time. If you manage to cook the broth in some way, the blood can be reassed, and we do not want that.
Serve with fresh bread. Who has the opportunity and can do it, it is ideal to prepare homemade bread.
Why are we bloody meals for many nations disgusting
We know two kinds. The first is a actually living creature of a vampire. It is a kind of tropical bat from South and Central America and feeds on blood. Before daylight, it hides in the caves and cavities of the trees and only flies out for food when it is total darkness.
Another vampire, also known as vampire, is a mythical creature. The Balkan and Eastern European legends say they also feed on blood. And he also hates daylight. Whether vampire number one or two, they generally both chase people. After all, who would like to be vacuuming a vampire. Anyway, who can actually eat blood as such?
In Japan they eat placenta from the pig
In addition to us Czechs, the Japanese revel in the blood, where the pig placenta is commonly available. It is in the land of the rising sun that the placenta of the pig is delaying aging.
In Thailand drink vampire blood
In the sipping of blood, the Thai people also enjoy. And directly. It is no exception that sellers will offer it directly on the street on holiday in Thailand. And for the most roast, we would rather write a warning that you can get nasty viruses together with vampire blood. Just remember Covid-19.
Eskimos eat guts from animals
Eskimos who like to enjoy raw meat, animal guts and blood are not behind.
Source: www.fresh.iprima.cz, www.kuchynelidlu.cz