Two men They were arrested in the act by the Minas Gerais Civil Police, who, missing since Sunday (9), in Belo Horizonte. THE body It was found buried and concretized In the garden of a residence in the Ouro Preto neighborhood, Pampulha region, in Belo Horizonte (MG).
Two men, 27 and 29 years old, were arrested in the act. A investigation started after the disappearance record in the Virtual police station. O dMATADE ALEXANDRE OLIVEIRA DA FONSECAresponsible for the case, says that the victim’s current boyfriend provided crucial information that indicated that it is a criminal disappearance.
A third individual, mentioned by the 29 -year -old suspect, was questioned, but his participation was discarded. The other two suspects withdrew the statements that incriminated it, denying their involvement in the planning, execution or concealment of the body.
Understand the case
21, missing in Belo Horizonte since March 9, was found dead and completed in the garden of a residence in the Ouro Preto neighborhood. Two men, 27 and 29, were arrested in the act.
The 27-year-old suspect, the victim’s former colleague, attracted her with the false promise of paying a $ 400 debt. Police suspect that he planned to steal her, but killed her by strangulation after she resisted. The 27 -year -old suspect assisted in concealing the body.
Investigations revealed that the victim had been harassed by the suspect of the crime. He would also have enraged herself to learn of her new relationship. The second suspect had quarrels with the victim for ideological differences.
The body was found after police noticed a strong odor from the 27 -year -old suspect residence. He tried to attribute the murder to his friend, but investigations indicate that he was the author of the strangulation, while the other suspect helped hide the body.
Both can respond for qualified homicide, femicide and corpse concealment. A third suspect had his involvement discarded.