According to Danilo Forte (União Brasil-CE), criminals already dominate entire geographical regions, influencing even the vote
The federal deputy (União Brasil-CE) will present next week a bill that equates the action of criminal factions to terrorism.
O Poder360 had access to the draft text. The law, if passed, expands the definition of crimes of terrorism to include acts committed by “political reasons or to impose mastery or control of a territorial area“.
In addition, crimes against critical infrastructures such as ports, airports, hospitals and energy networks are now considered acts of terrorism. This includes the intentional block of essential services such as water, electricity and internet.
This is what Article 2, item IV of the project on the new definition of terrorism in the impediment to the use of critical infrastructure:
“To seize, to sabotage, referend, in full or partially, prevent or interrupt the operation, even if temporarily of critical infrastructure or public utility service, even if exercised by a private entity, understanding, but not limited to communication or transportation; Data Processing Center; ports; airports; rail or road stations; hospitals; health houses; schools; sports stadiums; Public or local facilities where essential public services work; power generation, transmission or distribution facilities; Military facilities; Exploration, refining and processing facilities of oil and gas and banking institutions and their service network. ”
Danilo mentioned, in conversation with the Poder360actions such as impediment to employees of energy companies to enter favelas dominated by the crime as terrorist acts, if the law is passed. Or the taxation for basic services such as internet, local militias.
According to the deputy, organized crime expanded its performance in business and in the field of entire regions, impacting competition and the population.
“Through the territory, they control votes, which enters and leaves, the right to come and go and the type of service offered. Brazil is very close to becoming a narco-state“, These.
The congressman presented the project on Thursday (13.mar.2025) to executives linked to the groups Santander, Ultra, Multiplan, D’Or, Whirlpool, Dexco, Invunpar, Cosan, Itaú, Telephone and Klabin.
He participated in an event of FPE (Parliamentary Front of Entrepreneurship) with Abrasca (Brazilian Association of Open Companies) in São Paulo.
Inspiration in Trump
The idea, says Danilo, arose from the actions of US President Donald Trump (Republican). He the drug cartels to terrorists to get, among other actions, to block money in tax havens.
Almost 1 year ago the federal government promises a project to combat organized crime, but has not presented anything so far.