Do not throw away the burnt pot. Flow it and wait for it and will shine again

by Andrea
Do not throw away the burnt pot. Flow it and wait for it and will shine again

The easiest way to get rid of burning from the pot is to use table salt – a cheap and available ingredient, which in many cases works surprisingly effectively. To apply this method, pour about half a glass of coarse salt to the bottom of the pot (in the case of smaller dishes, one -third of the glass is enough), and then add enough warm water to create a thick pulp – usually about 100-150 ml is enough. The vessel with such a mixture should be set aside for a minimum of 4-6 hours, preferably all night, which will allow salt to soften and relax the burnt sediment. After this time, the pot should be gently cleaned with the soft side of the sponge or a kitchen cloth, being careful not to outline the surface – Especially if the vessel has an enamel or teflon coating.

If the salt failed to completely remove the dirt, it is worth reaching after, which works a bit more intensively and is at the same time equally safe for the surface of the pot. To make cleaning paste you will need two tablespoons of soda and about 2-3 tablespoons of warm water. The mixture should be applied to the burnt surface and left for a minimum of 5 hours. The operation of soda consists in breaking down fat and carbohydrate molecules, which formed a layer of burning, which makes it easier to remove them without scrubbing. After cleaning, a pot is enough Rinse thoroughly with warm water and dry.

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In the case of extremely persistent dirt, an effective alternative may be spirit vinegarwhich – especially after heating – effectively dissolves the burns and food remains. For the use of this method, pour about 200 ml of vinegar to the bottom of the pot and put the dish on the stove. After bringing the solution to a boil, cook it for about 3-5 minutes, then set aside to cool and leave it for the next hour so that the vinegar has a chance to work fully. After this time, the dirt will leave easily with the help of a wooden shoulder or soft sponge. It should be remembered that we do not use vinegar for cleaning enamel pots, because its acid reaction can matt the surface and permanently damage it.

Burning burns begins with the right cooking technique – it is key to maintaining moderate, stable temperature and regular mixing of dishesespecially those with dense consistency. Vasoluations equipped with multi -compartment, especially made of stainless steel, provide better heat conductivity, which significantly reduces the risk of point overheating and burning. In practice, it is also worth adapting the amount of fat used to the nature of the prepared dish – its too little amount can make the ingredients to the bottom after a few minutes. Cooking with a small amount of water or broth allows you to maintain the humidity of the dishes, which also Protects against excessive baking and attachment of food residues.

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An equally important factor, although often overlooked, is technical condition of the stove. Both in the case of induction hobs and dirt accumulated around burners or on the heating surface can lead to uneven heat distribution. Especially with gas stoves, it is worth regularly cleaning the nozzles and grates, because this is where the remains of fat and food usually accumulate. It should also be remembered that cooking on maximum heat does not always accelerate the process of preparing dishes – very often leads only to excessive roaching and unpleasant odors.

The last but no less important issue is proper care of the pots themselvesespecially those made of cast iron that require regular oiling and avoiding contact with cold water immediately after cooking. Aggressive cleaning agents, sharp sinks or metal cutlery damage the coating of pots and make food stick to it faster than before. Even pots with modern coatings are not resistant to improper use – their durability depends on regular and delicate care. For this reason, it is worth using wooden or silicone mixing tools, avoid overheating of empty dishes and store them in a way protecting the surface from scratches.


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