Do you receive social performance for inclusion? Will increase with retroactive, see the new value

by Andrea
Do you receive social performance for inclusion? Will increase with retroactive, see the new value

Social provision for inclusion (PSI), designed to support people with disabilities, was updated at 2.6% by the government, both in the base and complement component. The measure, officialized through publication in DIARY OF THE REPUBLICalso foresees the payment of retroactive since January, entering into force on March 15.

New values ​​of psi

According to the published Ordinance, the annual reference value of the base component of the psi becomes 3,894.63 euros, which is equivalent to 324.55 euros per month.

The reference value of the complement, attributed in cases of poverty, is now 6,779.81 euros annual, ie about 565 euros per month.

In addition, the maximum accumulation limit of psi with working income was also updated to 12,180 euros annual.

Impact of measure

According to the Ministry of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security (), this update represents a financial impact of 19.8 million euroswhere:

  • 15 million euros correspond to the increase in the base component;
  • 4.8 million euros concern the complement of the benefit.

The MTSSS also clarified that “this increase is expected to begin to be paid in April, with retroactive to January this year.”

Who is entitled to PSI?

Social provision for inclusion is financial support for people with disabilities who have a disability equal to or greater than 60%. Currently, more than 150 thousand people benefit from this installment.

According to the government, the reinforcement of this measure aims to “strengthen social protection and combat poverty situations among people with disabilities”, ensuring greater inclusion and equity in access to state support.

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