Financial problems are for more than a quarter of people who do not eat well, the second most common cause of bad sleep. For half of the population are mainly related to High spending on life. This stems from a survey of, who was devoted to sleep optics.
World sleep also draws attention to the meaning and need of quality sleep. This international initiative takes place every year on Friday before the March equinox, this year falls on 14 March. One of the most common stress factors is the lack of funding. High cost of life (54 %), low income (41 %), as well as insufficient savings amount (20 %) or the need to repay a mortgage (14 %) according to the survey worsens people’s sleep. Almost a quarter of the population does not sleep well.
“The quality of sleep can also affect the financial situation. The stress of money can contribute to insomnia, But on the other hand, a stable financial situation can contribute to better rest. Of those who sleep well, 42 % has a financial reserve of at least six salaries, “ The PR boss Linda Gáliková explained in According to the survey, the financial reserve in the necessary amount recommended by experts has created only 36 % of the population. A similar proportion of Slovaks and Sloveniak does not have sufficient financial reserve (38 %) and the remaining approximately a quarter has no financial pillow.
The quality of sleep can increase not only by proper financial habits, but also by regular regime. According to experts, people should go to bed and get up at the same time, while the recommended sleep time is 7 to 9 hours. “Equally important is to create a quiet, dark and ventilated environment, limit caffeine and heavy meals. We recommend that you follow the digital detox, ie disconnect from the screens at least two hours before bedtime. Blue light from phones and computers disrupts the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, ” The psychologist Júlia Šichmanová approached.