White toilet paper raises rather positive associations. It is located in most Polish bathrooms. People love him because it brings to mind cleanliness, comfort, hygiene and safety.
Its universal color suits every decor. This is a big advantage, but you should also be aware of the potential threats associated with it. Unfortunately, white toilet paper can be dangerous to health. This is because of the way it is often produced.
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Will you be surprised when you find out how white toilet paper is made? It turns out that Its snow -white shade is often obtained as a result of whitening using chlorine compounds. This process leads to the formation of dioxins or Furans (toxic substances that can harm health).
Long -term exposure to them cannot result in metabolic, hormonal disorders and weakening of immunity. This is the result of publications in “General Medicine and health sciences”.
The DOZ portal further emphasized the harmfulness of excess dioxins, which They also have a negative effect on the skin, cardiovascular system or liver. So it is better to avoid regular exposure of the skin or mucous membranes to contact white toilet paper produced in this way.
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Fortunately, not every white toilet paper harms health. In stores you will find products whiten with other methods. Instead of chlorine, manufacturers can use e.g. oxygen, ozone and hydrogen peroxide, which are not so harmful.
Safe white toilet paper is marked skrótem TCF (Totally Chlorine Free). Look for him in stores. He usually has a higher price, but its use is not so negative on the body, and this is the most valuable health.
If you are not good in reading the markings, or you do not want to bother with them on shopping, You can go back to “roots”. The idea is to choose gray toilet paper that our grandmothers used.
Gray toilet paper is, although it is rough and it does not look so good, but it is not subject to the whitening process. And this gives sure that it does not contain harmful substances.