The general controller of the state of São Paulo, Wagner Rosario, was greeted as a future
The event, attended by several authorities, took office to Maxwell Vieira as a member of the Court. “It is already getting used to it here,” Mayor Ricardo Nunes (MDB) told Rosario, as he gave his speech on the ceremony.
Before, at a meeting at the scene, the federal deputy Ricardo Salles (Novo-SP) joked with Rosario. “Did you choose your room already?”
The controller is a friend and part of the team of Governor Tarcísio de Freitas, responsible for nominating the next vacancy of counselor, which should be opened in the second half with Roque Citadini’s retirement.
He is also former Union Comptroller Minister Jair Bolsonaro (PL). During investigations in the inquiry of the alleged coup plot, in the Planalto Palace in which the then president made threats of democratic rupture if not reelected.
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