Congress created on Wednesday, 12, the mixed parliamentary front of the beer chain. With 199 members, the bench has members ranging from PL, former President Jair Bolsonaro, to PT, from President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
As the column of the Estadãothe parliamentary front receives criticism from health entities. Organizations claim that the creation of the bench is contrary to the principle that the public power must protect the health of the population.
The mixed parliamentary front can be composed of deputies and senators. Of the total members, 198 are from the Chamber. Luiz Carlos Heinze (PP-RS) is the only representative of the Senate.
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With 32 members, the PP is the party that is most present on the beer bench. This is the acronym of the president of the Parliamentary Front, the deputy Covatti Filho (RS). Sought by the Estadão column, he said that the group does not encourage excessive alcohol consumption and stressed that the beer industry represents 2% of the national economy.
After the PP, the parties with the most members are PL (31), PT (28), PSD (19) and MDB (18).
The states of São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul are the ones that have the most members, with 20 each. Then appear Minas Gerais (19), Rio de Janeiro (18) and Bahia (18).
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Among the beer bench members are party leaders in the House, such as Isnaldo Bulhões Jr. (MDB-AL), Luciano Amaral (PV-AL), Pedro Lucas Fernandes (União-MA) and Talíria Petrone (PSOL-RJ). Opposition leader Luciano Zucco (PL-RS) is also one of the members.
The breeding document of the Beer Parliamentary Front cites that the group’s goal is to “promote public debates, actions and policies to the entire production chain, which involves several actors and internships, from the production of ingredients to the distribution and consumption of the drink”.