An abandoned hotel in the town of Callao wild, Tenerife, a very popular tourist destination among the British, has become the epicenter of a conflict that takes the neighbors out of quice. As reported More than 200 squatters have taken the old Hotel Callao Sportclosed from the beginning of the pandemic, in 2020.
The neighbors denounce that around 100 rooms are busy, the double that 15 days ago, and accuse the security forces of not acting firmly to end this situation. In addition, they fear that some of the hotel inhabitants are linked to criminal networks, which benefit economically from illegal occupation.
A neighbor, who has preferred to stay anonymous, explained to COPE CANARIAS How are this situation living: “There are people who are part of a mafia and who are marketing and earning money with the ‘occupation’ of these rooms.” In addition, altercations do not cease: constant noise, lights on all night and a sense of increasing insecurity are some of the most recurring complaints.
Pedro, another worried neighbor, has confirmed to the Spanish radio station that all the hotel rooms are now occupied. According to their calculations, there are more than 200 people who live in the complex. In addition, he has denounced robberies and looting inside the building, with dismantled furniture and other supposedly sold materials on online platforms. Everything, although the authorities have intervened several times for the theft of objects and machinery of the hotel.
The City Council has indicated that the property owner has initiated legal actions to recover control of the building, but recalled that security issues compete with the National Police and the Civil Guard. However, the Local Police has acted in cases that enter into their scope, provided that the neighbors have requested it.