The plant we unfortunately forget is cress. Czeżuch is a colloquial term for pepperę sowingi.e. an annual plant from the brassica family. It comes from the southwestern regions of Asia. Naturally, it also occurs in Africa, and more specifically in Ethiopia and Egypt. It is grown all over the worldwhere he often wilds.
Czeżucha in Poland is grown rather once a year, i.e. during Easter. Its sharp smell fills the houses, and the stems covered with leaves they become part of Christmas decorations. Unfortunately, few people realize that the cress not only looks beautiful, but also It works great on the human body.
It is worth eating the cress because it provides vitamins A, C, K, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B5). It is a wealth of minerals such as potassium, iron, calcium, manganese, iodine, zinc. This consists of many valuable properties of seedling.
Czeżuch is worth eating because of its antioxidant effect, i.e. inhibiting the harmful effects of free radicals. Meaning that will affect anti -inflammatory, antiviral. Thanks to this, they will increase immunity, help you return to strength faster after infections. These properties will be salutary also for people suffering from rheumatism.
The content of antioxidants will make it Eating Czezierz will delay the aging process. Both youthful appearance and the proper functioning of the mind will be preserved. The risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases will decrease, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson.
Czeżuch positively will affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. The plant provides iodine, which participates in the production of organ hormones. For this reason, people treating hypothyroidism should eat it.
The high calcium content in Pieprzyca Sywna will take care of the bones. Will increase the density of bone masswhich reduces the risk of fractures and damage. They should be included in their diet patients with osteoporosis and older people. In addition, the ingredient will take care of the health of the teeth.
Czeżuch is also recommended for diabetics. It will be lower blood sugarpreventing glucose fluctuations after a meal. What’s more, will reduce cholesterolwhile protecting the heart and circulatory system.
It is worth including the cress in your diet, because it has disinfectant. Over the years, it was used in folk medicine as a disinfectant remedy. Allows you to clean the intestines of parasites. For this it was used for skin ulcers or acne.
Cress can be added to almost everything. It will complement very well Vegetable salads or salads. We will diversify it sandwiches, casseroles, tortillas. It can also be added for breakfast cottage cheese or eggs.
Cressing at home is child’s play. Even those who have never dealt with plants will cope with it. It is necessary Powering seeds, flat plate and a paper towel.
The paper towel moisten abundantly with water and spread it on a plate. Czeer seeds are scattered on this. They should be evenly distributedso that the plants have freedom to develop. A plate with seeds should be set in a warm and sunny placee.g. on the southern windowsill.
Seeds should be watered regularly. The water can be gently poured on the bottom of the dish. Czeżuch should sprinkle after 3 days. It is ready to eat after 7 days. To always have fresh sprouts, it is worth sowing twice a week.