The first lady Rosângela da Silva, A, closed her Instagram account on Thursday (13), after being the target of misogynistic comments.
Sought, Janja’s staff stated that many comments left in first lady publications are macho, misogynist and even criminals, with threats to the life of Janja and President Luiz Inacio da Silva ().
“Janja, despite being a public person for being married to the President of the Republic, has the dominion over his Instagram profile and the right to decide to restrict his account temporarily to reinforce the moderation of comments in his publications, as well as his followers,” he says in a statement.
In the note, the advisory attached screenshots of sentences written by Instagram users in Janja publications, with offenses such as “slut”.
“I typed call girl on Google and came to stop on the profile of ‘dinner’, I think Xandão has to investigate and judge it,” said one user.
The text also calls for the regulation of digital platforms in Brazil and worldwide and cites the recent regulations of the company that holds Instagram, whatsapp and the.
Also on Thursday (13), the goal started the testing of the “community notes”, a feature already used on platform X (former Twitter) to deny false news aired on the platform.
Last Friday (7), on the eve of Women’s Day, President Lula spent the word to Janja at an event of the MST (Landless Rural Workers Movement), where the first lady was thrilled to talk about violence against women.
“I’m not afraid, I’m not ashamed, I just have the courage. And courage is you women here today, the women who hug me every day and today I wanted to share with you this, the courage to keep fighting for a Brazil and a more just and supportive world for all and all,” he said.
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