Petista is in Sorocaba (SP) and then should participate in the state capital of the 80th anniversary of the former mayor
The President (PT) should go this Friday (14.mar.2025) to the birthday party of the former mayor of São Paulo (PT). She will turn 80 on March 18.
The petista is in Sorocaba (SP) in this 6th (14.mar) for vehicles of SAMU (Mobile Emergency Care Service). According to the Poder360Lula goes to his house in the state capital and then goes to the celebration of Marta. Returns to Brasilia the same day.
Lula and Marta turned around in 2024 during the municipal elections.
With and at the invitation of the president, she to (Workers Party) after a troubled exit in 2015 to compose the slate with the federal deputy (PSOL) in the dispute for the city of São Paulo.
However, the 2 were defeated by (MDB), who reelected himself in a double with the deputy by the former president (PL), the former commander of the Route (Ronda Ostensive Tobias de Aguiar) Ricardo de Mello Araújo.