The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, and Prime Minister Luís Montenegro.
Marcelo did not like the motion of trust, he told him to the prime minister and explained himself in a council of state, in which Cavaco came out in defense of Luís Montenegro. And the unprecedented transparency plan is for the next executive.
Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa did not like Luís Montenegro’s confidence motion, and expressed his discontent to the Prime Minister even before the vote of the motion that would be rejected, caused the fall of the government.
In a Council of State, which this Wednesday came to the conclusion that the elections will take place on May 18, Marcelo confessed to his position and assured that he transmitted it to Luís Montenegro, according to the.
Marcelo himself had already assumed that the PSD leader did not call him before speaking to the country on March 1, the day he suggested that he would present a motion of confidence if the opposition did not return. But Montenegro did not hear the head of stateand advanced with the motion.
But if Marcelo gave Montenegro “a thread”, before and during the Council of State, its predecessor Aníbal Cavaco Silva came out in defense of the Prime Ministeraccording to the same newspaper, explaining that it understood the decision of the social democrat and that the motion of trust was a way of clarifying the political situation, given the whole “noise” around the company created by Montenegro.
Allegedly without making any reference to his own experience with motions in 1987, when his own government was overthrown, Cavaco showed concern for the country’s future and appealed to Consensos.
Government had transparency lesson
Already after falling, the ministerial offices received a training on “Transparency and integrity in the government action”, advances the.
The training, promoted by the General Secretariat of the Government, was conducted by the lawyer and specialist in international studies José Manuel dos Santos-Viegas, coordinator of the Technical-Juridical Center for Transparency, a body with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. It took place online and lasted two hours.
But the “class” was not limited to discussing ethics and transparency.
In addition to the class that took place in a context of any conflicts of interest involving the Prime Minister and other ministers of the executive, the government approved the “Risk Prevention Plan” to prevent potential conflicts of interest between ministers and secretaries of state. It has already been approved, but has not yet been published in Diário da República. It is for the next government to apply, since the management government is limited in its action to acts essential to good state administration.
Tomás Guimarães, Zap //