PE: João Campos would beat Raquel Lyra in 1st round, says Paraná Research

by Andrea

João Campos (PSB)current mayor of Recife, has 60,9% From voting intentions for the state government in the 2026 election, according to a survey by the Paraná Research Institute released on Friday (14).

The governor Raquel Lyra (PSD) comes to 22,2%. The former Minister of Tourism Gilson Machado (PL) recess 6,5% of voting intentions.

By the margin of error of the survey of 2.5 percentage points for more or less, the percentage of João Campos would already guarantee him a first round victory.

Son of former governor Eduardo Campos, João Campos is quoted to run for office in 2026 and resume the government of Pernambuco for the PSB, which ruled the state from 2007 to 2022. Raquel is in the first term and should seek reelection.

Pernambucans who do not yet know who to vote or did not respond add 4.8%. Those who declared a white, null or none of the options are 5.6%.

Paraná Research Research, commissioned by TV Tribuna, was conducted through personal interviews between March 8 and 12 and has a confidence level of 95%. In all, 1,652 voters in 64 Pernambuco municipalities were interviewed for the survey.

See the scenario:

  • João Campos (PSB): 60,9%
  • Raquel Lyra (PSD): 22,2%
  • Gilson Machado (PL): 6,5%
  • You don’t know/didn’t answer: 4,8%
  • None/white/null: 5,6%

Alternative scenario

In a second simulation, the research measured voting intentions with the name of former federal deputy Anderson Ferreira (PL), who ran for the State Government in 2022.

In the scenario, João Campos reaches 61% of voting intentions; Raquel Lyra, 22.1%; and Anderson Ferreira, 6.1%.

Voters who do not yet know who to vote or did not respond to 4.9%. Already those who did not declare votes between the options or declare vote white or null, are 5.9%.

Check it out:

  • João Campos (PSB): 61%
  • Raquel Lyra (PSD): 22,1%
  • Anderson Ferreira (PL): 6,1%
  • You don’t know/didn’t answer: 4,9%
  • None/white/null: 5,9%


The survey of Paraná research also measured the level of approval of the government of Raquel Lyra in Pernambuco.

For 9% of Pernambucans, the government of Raquel is being “great”; and for 20.3%, “good” – totaling 29.3% of positive evaluations.

For 9.1%, the current management is “bad”; and to 28.1%, “terrible” – totaling 37.2% of negative evaluations.

People who classify the government of Raquel Lyra as “regular” reach 32%. Those who do not know how to evaluate the current management or did not opine, 1.5%.


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