Brugmansje, also known as angelic trumpets, are one of the most beautiful exotic plants, what you can have in your garden, on the terrace and balcony. If you plant them, you will catch the eye of every passerby.
The neighbors will look jealously at the sight of their wonderful flowers, from which it is difficult to take their eyes off. However, you must remember a few rules for growing brugmansia if you want them to bloom profusely by autumndelighting with your spectacular beauty.
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You can grow thermophilic brugmansia in a doncy or container. Naturally, you can also plant it directly in the ground, but in this In case, you will have to dig it in every autumn, or buy new seedlings every year.
This is because although it is a long -term species, It is not completely frost -resistant, so in a Polish moderate climate it would not survive winter outside. So it is more convenient to just take it outside in the containerWhen the weather allows it, but the choice depends on you.
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Brugmansje are plants that prefer sunny and semi -shaded positions. You must also protect them from strong winds because they are very delicate. As for the ground, however, these flowers are They feel good in fertile, permeable and moist soil.
Regular watering of brugmansia is the basis if you want to have beautiful flowers. During the growing season, you must irrigate them abundantly, especially on hot days. In winter, water supply should be reduced.
During the flowering period, you should also regularly fertilize angel trumpets with a product for flowering plants. Another important procedure is pruning brugmansia, which stimulates the plant to spread.