PP COBRA VERBA FOR MINISTRY OF Sport, while threatening landing – 14/03/2025 – Power

by Andrea

The Progressives’ bench () in the House of Representatives led to the need to recompose the budget of the Ministry of Sport, the target of contingencies and blockages in 2023 and 2024.

Demand occurs at a time when a party wing defends the landing of the PP of the () Esplanade. Since September 2023, the folder has been under the command of the deputy (PP-MA).

According to reports, the leader of the PP at, Doctor Luizinho (RJ), talked to, from SRI (Secretariat of Institutional Relations), this week stating that there is strong pressure among the deputies, who are dissatisfied with the party’s participation in the government.

They complain of noise on their most conservative electoral bases for being in a petista management and says that the political cost of remaining in a ministry with budget restrictions is higher in this scenario.

In the words of a deputy, it is necessary for the government to give better working conditions for the sport, referring to the safe of the portfolio. The demand is for the maintenance of the Ministry’s resources.

These parliamentarians expand the pressure on the Plateau, facing a government ill -rated in research and a growing wing desire linked to Bolsonarism to move away from Lula once and for all.

According to reports of PP parliamentarians, there would have been a positive signage to the Bench claim by the Planalto.

In an interview with Sheet On the 27th, the party president, Senator Ciro Nogueira (PI), said that

“I like Minister Fufuca very much, but if the government does not have a radical change of direction to the country, there is no way, there is no way, to allow party members to participate in this government,” he said.

Nogueira was head of the Civil House of () and one of the main names of the opposition in. Despite the appeals for the acronym to leave the government, there have been no meeting of the PP summit to address the subject.

The PP, in addition to the Ministry of Sport, has the command of Caixa Econômica Federal-the institution’s leader, Carlos Antônio Vieira Fernandes, was nominated by former mayor Arthur Lira (PP-AL). Party parliamentarians, however, say they do not feel contemplated by the name of Fernandes and that their nomination was a wave of Lula to the then mayor.

In addition, the party, as well as other Centrão subtitles, has been waiting since last year a broader ministerial reform that has contemplated the allies. But so far, Lula made exchanges only in the PT – as Gleisi Hoffmann’s recent appointment for political articulation.

Lira’s name was launched on the ministerial reform betting bag. The House summit argued that it be nominated for the Ministry of Agriculture. But allies of the former mayor say that he does not have this desire to integrate the executive at this time.

The Ministry of Sport was recreated by the President in early 2023. With no budget forecast for that year, the folder then commanded by Ana Moser received an appropriation of $ 1.3 billion.

In the second half of 2023, Lula fired Moser and exchanged Márcio França from the Ministry of Ports and Airports for Entrepreneurship, as a way to expand Centrão’s party space: Fufuca entered the sport and Silvio Costa Filho, in ports and airports.

At the end of the year, already under the management of the PP parliamentarian, the folder had committed R $ 984 million. In 2024, the initial allocation was R $ 2.2 billion, and the folder committed R $ 1.7 billion – the commitment is the first phase of the expense, when the reservation of the appeal is made.

The difference in value reflects what the ministry could not spend, either because it was blocked (the target of PP complaint), or because the appeal was out of different reasons, as a technical impediment to advance with a project).

Compared to other Esplanada folders, the sport already has a smaller budget. And the early years of the Lula administration were marked by blockages and contingencies to comply with tax rules.

Last year, the sport was the target of a blockade of almost R $ 152 million in total, considering non -mandatory expenses (except PAC investments, the growth acceleration program) and commission amendments. In the ministry’s own expenses, the blockade even reached 13.7% of the initial appropriation in November. In the amendments, the lock was 11.8%.

As the political scenario this year changed, Lula entered 2025 with an unprecedented fall of approval in relation to previous mandates, and the pressure so that there are no cuts in the centrão folders tends to be higher.


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