Quoted to commission in the House loses mandate after STF’s decision; See all 7 names

by Andrea

The Federal Supreme Court (STF) ruled, on Thursday (13), for the alteration in the application of the so-called “electoral leftovers”, a measure that will result in. Among those affected by the decision is federal deputy Silvia Waiãpi, from PL of Amapá, who had been chosen by the acronym to chair the commission of peoples originating from the House.

The Liberal Party (PL), of former President Jair Bolsonaro, has, respecting the proportionality criteria. The Original Peoples Commission, which deals with indigenous issues, has become a point of interest within the party due to the controversial potential of its themes.

The choice of commissions, according to party leaders, also considers the political projection necessary for the names chosen to be able to compete in the 2026 elections.

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During the last legislature, the presidency of the indigenous committee was occupied by members of the ruling base, and topics such as land demarcation were widely discussed. The intention for this mandate is that the subject is in the background.

In addition, the Amapá bench was the most impacted by the STF decision. The state, which elected eight parliamentarians, will have half of the renewed chairs. The four new deputies are allies of Senate President David Alcolumbre (Union-AP). The decision also affects other states and alters the composition of the benches.

Deputies who will lose their mandate:

  • Professora Goreth (PDT-AP)
  • Waiãpi sylvia (PL-AP)
  • Sonize Barbosa (PL-AP)
  • Maximum gilvan (Republicans-DF)
  • Lebrão (Brazil-RO Union)
  • Lázaro Botelho (PP-TO)

Deputies who will take over the mandates:

  • Professor Marcivânia (PCdoB-AP)
  • Paulo Lemos (PSOL-AP)
  • André Abdon (PP-AP)
  • Rodrigo Rollemberg (PSB-DF)
  • Rafael Fera (Podemos-Ro)
  • Tiago Dimas (We can-to)
  • Aline Gurgel (Republicans-Ap)

Although the decision has immediate validity, the revocation of the mandates will depend on the determination of the Electoral Justice and the House of Representatives. Confirmation of this measure will change the composition of the countertops and may impact the dynamics of the chamber commissions.

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