Scientists analyzed the numbers of over 2000 people to find out the best exercise for a better sleep.
The new analysis at BJM Journals revealed that the resistance training e strength are more effective exercises for fight the insomnia.
The data of 2000 participants in several studies suggest that weight exercises can improve sleep quality up to 35% More than aerobic exercise, such as running.
However, according to, the investigation concludes that it is Probably any kind of exercise helps you fall asleep.
The analysis focused on people 60 or oldera group particularly vulnerable to sleep problems. Previous studies have revealed that about 1/3 of adults suffers from insomnia and that sleep quality naturally decreases with age.
Experts attribute this to the weakening of circadian rhythms e to Reduction of melatonin production – Factors that can contribute to serious health risks, including Type 2 diabetes e heart disease.
A relationship between regular exercise and better sleep is well established. However, scientists claim that there are few or no advice on the best type of exercise to reduce insomnia.
The team, led by the associate teacher Kittiphon nagavirojgathered data from 24 Studieswhich involved over 2000 adults 60 years or older. Each of the participants had been formally diagnosed with insomnia and reported their quality of sleep through a questionnaire.
The studies measured the impact of different types of exercise in, including aerobic activities such as cycling, dance and swimming; Resistance and strength training as a survey of weights and pushups; Balance and flexibility exercises such as gymnastics and yoga; and mixed routines that combine various forms.
On average, the programs had a duration of 14 weekswith the participants to train for 50 minutestwo to three times a week.
O resistance and strength training proved to be the most effectiveimproving participants’ sleep in 35% more than aerobic exercise, as measured by another questionnaire.
Researchers also found that the Sleep Education improved Sleep results slightly – more than aerobic exercise.
However, the team stressed that some of the meta-analysis studies were vacant as to what implied “sleep education”, which can go from simple Dietary advice on foods favorable to sleep until cognitive -portal therapy Structured for insomnia, which helps combat the deepest causes of insomnia.
Researchers underline a starting point: “Exercise, in particular strengthening and aerobic exercise, is beneficial in improving the subjective quality of sleep at a clinically significant level compared to normal activities.”
Teresa Oliveira Campos, Zap //