Combs’ lawyers, in a legal filing submitted last night, alleged the footage aired by the news network had been “substantially altered in significant respects,” and therefore does not “fairly and accurately depict the events in question.”
CNN pushed back on that claim today.
“CNN never altered the video and did not destroy the original copy of the footage, which was retained by the source,” a spokesperson for the news organization said in a statement. “CNN aired the story about the video several months before Combs was arrested.”
Doug Wigdor, Ventura’s attorney, said it was “not surprising that Combs would make a disingenuous argument to exclude the disturbing video from being shown to the jury in the upcoming trial.”
“I am confident that the video fairly and accurately represents what happened, will be admitted into evidence, and that Combs will be held accountable for his depravity,” Wigdor added.