Sine: Acre offers more than 120 job openings this Thursday; See how to apply

by Andrea
Sine: Acre offers more than 120 job openings this Thursday; See how to apply

The Acre National Employment System (Sine) announces, this Thursday (5), a total of 97 jobs for various areas in the capital, Rio Branco.

Those interested in participating in the selection process need to have registration with Sine. For this, it is mandatory to present the following documents: work card, proof of address and education, RG/CPF and voter title.

Sine Municipal offers new job openings this Friday/Photo: Reproduction

In addition to face -to -face service, registration can be done in a practical way by WhatsApp. The numbers available for contact are:

  • (68) 3324-1519
  • (68) 3223-6502
  • (68) 3224-5094
  • 0800-647-8182

Those who choose face -to -face service can go to Sine Acre, located in the organization in Care Centers (OCA), at Rua Quintino Bocaiúva, 299, downtown Rio Branco.

The vacancies are rotating, and the filling can vary throughout the day. For more information, candidates can consult the service channels or visit Sine directly.

Check out the available vacancies:

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