Do you bake yeast dough for the first time? Or maybe the last attempt did not come out and you are looking for a proven recipe? Below you will find a step by step recipe. However, you must watch out for The most common errors when making yeast dough. Then even perfect instructions will not help.
Firstly, All products should have room temperature. Too cold ingredients can slow down the work of yeast, so the yeast dough will not grow. Secondly, Be careful when making yeast leaven. Too hot milk can kill yeast, so the dough will not grow. It is best if the fluid has about 30-37 degrees Celsius. Do not add salt to the leavenbecause it can stop their effect and dough growth. It is better to mix salt with flour and just add the leaven.
It is also key to kneading the dough. Too short will make the dough be compact, not very fluffy. In turn, too long will cause the dough to become loose. The best yeast dough will come out when you knead it for at least 10-15 minutes until it becomes flexible and smooth.
Another mistake is related to sometimes the dough growing. It is known that preparing this type of baking teaches patience. If we put them off to increase the volume too short, it will not gain fluffy. When it may fall too long. The perfect time is an hour or one and a half hours, necessarily in a warm place.
Also baking yeast dough It can end in failure. Too high temperature browned them from the outside, but inside it will still remain raw. How to do it correctly? Set the oven at 170-180 degrees Celsius in up-down mode. Do not open the door while baking – It can cause the dough to fall.
Read also:
- 500 g of cake flour,
- 200 ml of milk 2%,
- 100 g butter 82%,
- 40 g of fresh yeast,
- 3 yolks,
- 100 g of powdered sugar,
- A pinch of salt.
Method of performance:
All ingredients should have room temperature. Melt the butter in a saucepan and set aside for later.
Heat the milk to make it warm, not hot. Pour them into a high dish. Add a tablespoon of flour, a tablespoon of sugar and crushed yeast. Mix everything, cover with a cloth and set aside.
In a large bowl, mix the flour, salt, sugar, eggs and prepared yeast solution. Start slowly kneading the dough and finally pour the butter. Knee the dough with your hands or with the help of a mixer with a hook. This should last several minutes. The yeast dough should be smooth and uniform, shoot under your fingers and absorb fat.
Then form a ball, sprinkle with flour, put in a bowl. Put in a warm place (without draft) for an hour and a half.
When the dough rises, stick the fist into it and form the selected shape. Bake at 170 degrees Celsius. The dough should bake for 25 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the formed shapes. Bun needs the least time, and the most dough for the whole baking tray.