The apparent infection and fatigue hid a serious diagnosis. Jay Shew in August 2023 did a blood test that showed high calcium levels. At that time he wasn’t thinking too much about it, but later he realized it was an indicator that his body was fighting the disease. After two months began to lose weight quickly and extremely palewhat has caused all his close concerns, informs
The man admitted that he felt symptoms of cancer, but he did not recognize them as such. “My back ached very much, so I woke up in the middle of the night or morning and felt like my lower back burst,” described. In addition, he also suffered night sweats. Mentioned how he was wrapped up then a With extreme fatigue, which had to take a nap several hours after waking up.
A few weeks later he began to feel severe chest pain. Jay recalls that coughing up the mucus and his voice changedbut he thought he had a chest infection. After his visit to the doctor, he was prescribed antibiotics. “Four days later everything disappeared. I was as replaced. I felt like a new person. Maybe three days after that, I got sick again, ”said the young man.
After another visit to the GP, he prescribed other antibiotics, but he did not improve his condition at all. So he returned the next day and recommended him to get had a CT examination. The next morning a nurse told him that The scan showed swollen lymph nodes in its lymphatic system.
Jay underwent a biopsy and eight other examinations that have confirmed he has Hodgkin’s lymphoma at 4. According to NHS, Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a rare cancer that develops in the lymphatic system, a network of blood vessels and glands distributed throughout the body. Can develop at any age but It most often affects people aged 20 to 40 years and people over 75 years of age.
The most common symptoms of Hodgkin’s lymphoma
– swelling on the neck, in the armpit or in the groin
– Night sweating
– unintentional weight loss
– high temperatures
– a persistent cough or a feeling of shortness of breath
– Persistent itchy skin throughout the body
– High blood calcium levels sometimes occur when cancer is advanced