As part of the celebrations of its 50th anniversary of foundation, the Regional Electoral Court in Acre (TRE-AC) promotes, this Friday (14), the exhibition of the documentary “Bridge of Memories”, a film by journalist and director Alcinete Damasceno, about the construction of the so-called Metal Bridge, Juscelino Kubitschek, the first work built in Acre.
Prior to Juscelino Kubitschek, in the golden times of the second cycle of rubber, when the ports of the capital were sealing, it was only possible to cross the Acre River by vessels, the so -called Catraias.
After the destruction and interdiction of the bridge, a wooden/ photo bridge was built under improvisation: Reproduction
The bridge is located in downtown Rio Branco, over the Acre River, connecting the two districts of the city and is also known as “Ponte Velha”, in an evocation to the past, as the work was started in the times of Acre Territory, under the government of Valério Magalhães, in 1957.
The documentary shows that Valério Caldas Magalhães had in his government plan the construction of the first bridge linking the two districts of Rio Branco and, already in his first year of office, acquired the first pieces and lots of the metal structures with the Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN).
With the elevation of the then federal territory of Acre to the condition of state and the inauguration of the first state governor, the work resumed in February 1963. With the implementation of the pilasters, the assembly and installation were designed by engineer Machado da Costa and were only ready in 1969. The inauguration, however, only happened two years later, in the first year of the term of the term of Governor Wanderley Dantas, in 1971.
The bridge connects the two districts of Rio Branco/ Photo: Reproduction
In 1978, with the reckons of the Acre River, a part of the bridge span was carried by the force of the waters. In the Joaquim Macedo government, after the bridge’s destruction and interdiction, it was built, under improvisation, a wooden bridge, supported by ropes that shook the structure with each movement, which is why improvisation became known as “Balance but not falling” or “Baila Me”, allusions to a humorous program and a soap opera by Rede Globo de Televisão, displayed in 1981.
Bridge’s recovery works only began in August 1984/ Photo: Reproduction
Bridge recovery works only began in August 1984, already in the government of Nabor Júnior, and took eight months to complete, being reopened in April 1985. Fully recovered, 230 meters long, done in reinforced concrete and asphalt structure, the work has already exceeded 50 years of building and, although it requires the river overflows and accumulates Balseiros – its pilasters – It led the current government to ban it to recovery and maintenance works-it remains deeply utility, although, on the same Acre river, three other bridges were built in the urban perimeter of Rio Branco.
Alcinete Damasceno’s film tells the story from characters who worked on the work or who were ranks before the inauguration. “The bridge is not only a construction, but also an important historic milestone, of memory, identity and history,” said Alcinete Damasceno. “I am very honored for the invitation to exhibit at the Regional Electoral Court,” he added.
Ribeiro, the worker who worked on the bridge, appears walking on the bridge/ photo: Reproduction
The film will be screened in the institution’s auditorium, with space for at least 300 people. The audience will consist of servers and their guests. One of the spectators should be retired Alfredo Ribeiro, who was a worker in the work. The screening will be from 8:30 am this Friday.