Video of deputy who accuses Gayer of killing is rescued – 13/03/2025 – Monica Bergamo

by Andrea

Internet users rescued in the networks a video, originally published in 2023, in which federal deputy Silvye Alves (União-GO) makes a series of accusations against her colleague Gustavo Gayer (-GO).

In the video, she says Gayer was driving drunk and caused an accident that resulted in the deaths of two people and left a third paralytic. He denies it. The content was recovered on Thursday (13) after the deputy made comments of a macho nature against ().

After calling the minister of the Secretariat of Institutional Relations, Gayer said the president was “offering” Gleisi to Senate President David Alcolumbre (Brazil-AP Union), and also to Mayor Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB), “as a pimp offers a GP [garota de programa]”.

Alcolumbre will enter the Bolsonarist Deputy because of the episode.

Sought by the column, Silvye says she doesn’t want to comment on gayer’s lines because of “hell it is” moving on the subject, but says that although not politically agreeing with Gleisi, “no woman deserves to go through it.”

“I want peace,” she says. “I didn’t want to get involved in this. I’m in a moment of work, so much, and engage in this issue with gayer… You have no idea of ​​hell that is in Goiás because of that, you know?”

She adds that Gayer’s comment about Gleisi is “too heavy.” Silvye also criticized Lula’s speech. “We [mulheres] suffers a lot inside the chamber. It seems that you are sometimes chosen by your way of being, your body. It can’t be. “

Silvye’s fight with Gayer began when he criticized in a post on social networks the Goian deputies who, like her, voted in favor of the Ministries MP – who reorganized the federal government and created new ministries, such as the woman’s and the woman.

In response, Silvye recorded a video with the accusations. “You are a coward, a scoundrel. You have no scruples. You killed two drunk people. It left a third paralytic and didn’t even assist. And five months later, you broke into a car, drunk again, a bus stop, which thank God there was no one,” said the parliamentarian.

In response, Gustavo Gayer published a video denying the accusations and giving another version of the story. “Silvinha, you know the story. I was 19, I was not drunk, I was working as a teacher in the interior of Goiás, I didn’t know the street, rained, I didn’t see the bar and a bus hit my car. I lost my best friend that day, it was one of the greatest tragedies of my life and I still have to live with it,” he said.


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