“Weekend,” announces this Friday Rubén del Campo, spokesman for the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet), which awaits night frosts in large areas of the north and the center of the Peninsula, where during the day it will hardly be uploaded from 10 ° to 12 ° of maximum temperature. Although in general rain, this Friday there will still be strong showers in points of the south and east peninsular and it is possible that in the Balearic Islands. On Saturday and Sunday, there will be showers distributed throughout the country, which will be snow in low levels, from about 700 to 900 meters. “They can snow not only in mountain areas but also in plateau areas and moors the center,” warns the expert. And will it snow in the capital? “No, there is between 0 and 2% probabilities,” he replies with the field. Next week it will begin with cold, but “the arrival of Atlantic storms, accompanied by masses of temperate air, will give rise to rains again in large areas of the territory already a more temperate atmosphere, with a snow level that will rise.”
Until Sunday a new winter episode is expected
Thursday and Friday:
❄️Nevadas in the north peninsular interior in low levels and with significant accumulations in high and mountain areas.
☔️Chubascos strong or very strong in the Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Interior Sur and this peninsular.– Aemet (@aemet_esp)
It is Friday“It will rain in the east and south of the Peninsula, with the possibility of strong showers in southern Andalusia, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands.” There will also be rainfall in the northern third, with snowfall from 700 meters, which will be copious in the mountains, especially in the Cantabrian mountain range, but can also snow in plateau and moors areas, especially in the east of the northern plateau and in the provinces of Teruel and Guadalajara, with lower temperatures.
which are yellow, the minimum, for rain, storms, wind and bad sea in Andalusia; by rain in the Balearic Islands; by bad sea in the Canary Islands; and for snow in Aragon, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha, Cataluña, Navarra, La Rioja and Community Valenciana, in all cases yellow except in Cantabria, where it is orange, the second level of a scale of three.
He Saturday It could rain “in southern Andalusia and on the Mediterranean facade, without ruling out some strong show in Catalonia and Balearic Islands.” Rains are also expected in the northern third and, in the afternoon, instability will increase and showers scattered in large areas of the west and south, with snowfall from about 700 to 900 meters in the north and center area and above 1,000 to 1,200 meters in the south and in the Balearic Islands.
The temperatures “will be lower”, clearly colder than normal, “between 5 ° and 10 ° below the usual for these dates.” Thus there will be frosts in large part of the north and the center of the Peninsula and in capitals such as Cuenca or Teruel it can be lowered to -5 ° or -6 °. while Catalonia will be by bad sea.
He domingo “instability will increase more and there will be widely distributed showers throughout the territory ”, which will be less likely in the northern third and on the Mediterranean coast. The snow level will continue to be low: around 700 to 900 meters in the north, 900 to 1,200 in the center and about 1,200 in the south. “Therefore, it can snow in areas of the Northern Plateau and in moors of the downtown area,” he warns of the countryside.
And this day will continue cold weather, although night temperatures will rise in the southern half. “Anyway, frost will continue in the north and center of the Peninsula and for the day, in these same north and center of the Peninsula, the 8th or 10th will be reached. Fully winter atmosphere, ”he says of the field. On the notice map, for the moment.
He Monday A new Atlantic storm will be approaching and there is still uncertainty about its position. Today, it seems that it will leave rainfall in much of the center and south of the Peninsula, without being discarded in the Balearic Islands. “The area with less probability of rainfall will be the Cantabrian,” notes the field, to add that the rains can be strong and persistent in Western Andalusia. The winds “will blow with intensity in coastal and mountain areas, but will be temperate winds.” Although it will dawn again with frosts in the north and center of the territory, temperatures will undertake a clear rise and the snow level will also go up, but it will begin early. You can snow again around 600 to 700 meters, but it will rise to about 1,000 or 1,400 meters.
He MArts It is likely that the rains be generalized, less likely in the Cantabrian and extreme southeast, with a notable rise in temperatures. “We will no longer have frost and can exceed 20 ° in the Cantabrian, points of the Mediterranean and Andalusia,” figure the meteorologist. From Wednesday, New storms will probably continue to arrive, which will leave rains almost generalized.
In Canary Islandsweekend with the possibility of some weak rains at points of the most mountainous islands, while the temperatures that will rise.