The rules included in the regulations apply in the family allotment gardens. Failure to comply with them can even lead to the loss of the possibility of using the plot. In January, a new statute was adopted, which introduces an additional obligation for gardeners. We suggest what he is about and what he covers.
The Polish Association of Allotment Party adopted a new statute at the beginning of the year. Among the changes that have occurred in it include, among others, issues such as limiting negative phenomena and raising standards in the ROD. There was also a provision that aroused considerable stir, namely it concerns compulsory training for new gardeners.
This action is to make new members properly prepared for the use of plots, and will also learn about the rules of activity in the Union. Therefore, it is not enough to pay the appropriate amount to buy but you should also undergo compulsory training.
It is true that such training in theory are nothing new and have been held before, but so far they have not had a formal record in the statute, which is the most important document regulating the principles of the functioning of the ROD. This caused the training to be disregarded by most allotments. Now, however, this is to change, because the decision on training has been regulated in the statute.
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For now, it is not known whether such training should be payable or whether they will be covered from existing fees incurred by allotments. The Polish Association of Allotment Party, however, indicated what aspects will be discussed during such training. We include issues:
- Illegal gazebos – It happens that new gardeners build constructions that exceed the allowed dimensions, violating the construction law.
- Inappropriate planting – On plots, not all trees and shrubs can be planted, because some of them grow excessively, limiting the neighbors natural light.
- Noise and order – The regulations regulate exactly when you can use e.g. loud tools, and also describe cleaning matters such as parking spaces.
- Sewage problems – This applies to, among others incorrectly constructed septic tanks or arbitrarily built toilets.
- Residing plots – These types of properties cannot be a place of permanent residence, and living for a long time is incompatible with the Act.
- Garden aspects – Training will also include, among others, the use of protection products, mineral fertilizers, agrotechnical treatments or the selection of species and varieties of plant.
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