Current and Power: New electrons bundles hit two records. It’s like an oval track

by Andrea
Current and Power: New electrons bundles hit two records. It's like an oval track

Current and Power: New electrons bundles hit two records. It's like an oval track

The idea was simple: accumulate as much load as possible in the shortest time. The problem was like getting there.

Are the electron bundles most current and the largest power of peak ever produced.

The advance in physics was made by a team from the National Slac Accelerator Laboratory in Menlo Park (California, USA).

A LASER LIGHT High power has been used for various purposes: atom division or simulation of conditions of other planets, for example.

In this, the physicists increased the power of electron bundlesgiving them some of the same abilities. It was an “experimental generation of extreme electrons bundles for advanced accelerator applications”.

The idea was simple: accumulate as much load as possible in the shortest time. The problem was getting there.

The investigators generated 100 000 current amps for only one quartilionésimo as a second.

High -energy electrons bundles were sent around a accelerator; Electrons are pushed to speeds higher by powerful iam – travel on radio waves inside the vacuum.

The team compared the electrons to a running car on an oval track (as in Nascar, for example). Here, the electrons were accelerated at speeds of approximately 99% of light. But when they come to the “track” curve, they have to divert; that’s why, Sprinkle.

To make the turn faster, the running car – or rather electrão – must follow a more straight path than usual. In simulation of this more straight path, a sequence of electrons was sent with a millimeter length around the carril. In this configuration, the front electrons moved along a less steep part of the radio wave: they came out of the curve with less energy, a phenomenon known as Chirp.

Adds that, there, the researchers used Ímones to get the electrons off, first to the left and then to the right; then to the left again. And then they returned to the original course.

The imons diverted more electrons of less energy than the electrons with the highest energy; os que tinham lower densities had to follow a slightly longer path – And this longer path allowed the more energy electrons to reach them.


Then the physicists add a magnet changed energy for light, which made the sounds even more dramatic. They then passed the strings around the carril several times, making the beam increasingly powerful but shorter. In its zénite, at the highest point, the wrist had only 0.3 Compressed micrometers.

This technique, believe the physicists, can give rise to new chemical processes or produce new types of Pleletrma, revealing more about the nature of empty space.

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