Beijing is causing an indirect change in the earth axis and, consequently, in the duration of the days. This effect has not been planned, but it is a byproduct of the changes caused by China’s economic and energetic development, namely this dam.
The three throat dam and human intervention on the planet
Construction of the Three Throat Dam on the Yangtze River is a clear example of how great human works can have unforeseen repercussions on the planet. According to it, this dam caused changes in the rotation of the earth, extending the duration of the day and moving the axis of the earth.
Change in the moment of inertia and comparison with the movement of a skater
These changes may seem small, but they are explained by changing the moment of inertia of the earth. This phenomenon occurs when mass distribution on the planet is changed, which affects terrestrial rotation. To illustrate, one can compare the process to the movement of an artistic skater, which slows down when extending his arms.
Made of engineering and hydroelectric power source
The three throat dam, completed between 1994 and 2012, is not only a feat of engineering, but also one of the largest sources of hydroelectric power in the world. With the ability to generate sufficient energy to replace 22 nuclear power plants, the dam has become a key part in the electricity supply to China.
Environmental and social impacts of dam construction
In addition to environmental issues, the construction of the dam implied the reshaping of 1.3 million people and the destruction of vast areas of natural habitats. Many species were affected by the alteration of the Yangtze River course and changes in the local environment. Despite these impacts, the Chinese government has already approved the construction of another dam that could overcome three throats in terms of capacity and dimension.
Changes in the Earth Axis between 1993 and 2010
Studies by geophysical scientists have revealed that between 1993 and 2010, human activity caused a significant change in the earth axis. The main responsible for this change is the construction of the three throat dam, but also other actions, such as pumping huge amounts of groundwater to the oceans, contributed to this phenomenon. These studies were published in Geophysical Research Letters.
Impact of the redistribution of large volumes of water on the Earth’s balance
The redistribution of large volumes of water at different altitudes is one of the reasons for the impact on earth rotation. Like the movement of a skater who adjusts his posture to change speed, the change in mass distribution on the planet causes subtle changes in its rotation and balance.
Human interventions and their repercussions on the functioning of the land
These phenomena show us that human interventions, even unintentional, may have repercussions on the functioning of the earth. Although the construction of large infrastructures such as the three throat dam has provided significant benefits, such as clean energy production and reduced carbon emissions, it also generated environmental and social costs.
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Transformation of the local landscape and impact on the people
Among the most notable effects of the dam is the transformation of the local landscape and the impact on the lives of people who were forced to abandon their homes. The creation of a new large dam in Chinese territory is now a reality, and the government sees in this project the possibility of further boosting the production of hydroelectric energy.
Alteration of land behavior due to water storage
The dam capacity of the three throats to store water at large volumes, at a considerable height, has shown how simple mass redistribution can alter the behavior of the earth. This effect was documented by scientists who analyzed the data of the changes in the Earth axis and the duration of the days.
Effects of large China development infrastructures
China, with its ambitious development projects, has been demonstrating how the effects of human activity can be felt on very large scales. Scientific studies on this phenomenon help to understand the implications of human actions on natural processes that, until recently, seemed immune to external influences.
Unforeseen impacts of dam construction and water storage
Although the construction of dams and the storage of large volumes of water can be advantageous from the energetic point of view, it is necessary to consider the unforeseen impacts that may arise. Change in the Earth axis and modification in rotation may seem small, but its long -term consequences are still unknown.
The complexity of human interventions in the global environment
Ultimately, human interventions in the global environment have shown a more complex dimension than initially thought. The changes caused by projects such as the three throat dam are not isolated, and other similar actions may result in equally significant impacts for the planet.
Reflection on large -scale infrastructures and their effects
The continuation of large -scale infrastructure development will require greater reflection on its environmental and planetary effects. Science will continue to accompany the results of these changes and to evaluate the impact they will have on our future, since Earth, as a living organism, is constantly adapting to these new conditions.
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