For Easter mandatory, because it is healthier than chicken. They fill for a long time, care for bones and cholesterol

by Andrea
For Easter mandatory, because it is healthier than chicken. They fill for a long time, care for bones and cholesterol

Quail eggs have been very popular for centuries in Asian countries, not only as an element of a daily diet, but also as a natural improvement in vitality. In China, Japan and the Philippines, it is believed that their regular consumption can have a positive effect on energy levels and physical condition.

Quail eggs seem only a miniature version of chicken eggs. However, the differences between them are more complex. In terms of nutritional value, Quail eggs are distinguished by a higher iron content (3.65 mg/100 g) and cholesterol (844 mg/100 g) Compared to eggs, chicken, which contain 1.67 mg of iron and 411 mg of cholesterol per 100 g of product, respectively. Quail eggs have more calories (158 kcal/100 g versus 143 kcal/100 g) and fat (11 g/100 g versus 10 g/100 g), which results from a larger proportion of yolk to protein.

One quail egg weighs an average of 11 g, while the chicken egg – about 50 g. Therefore, to get a comparable amount of nutrients, you need to eat more quail eggs – 5 quail eggs (55 g) corresponds to more or less to one bread egg in terms of weight, but provides more cholesterol (about 463 mg). Studies, however, show that food cholesterol, both with quail and chicken eggs, It has a limited effect on blood cholesterol in most people thanks to the presence of lecithin and unsaturated fatty acids (Fernandez, 2015, Journal of Nutrition).

When it comes to availability, quail eggs are becoming more and more popular and can be found in most supermarkets and at local fairs. The price for a pack of 18 quail eggs is on average around PLN 10-12which makes them slightly more expensive than chicken eggs. However, their unique taste and decorative qualities can compensate for this difference.

Quail eggs are rich in vitamins and minerals. They contain, among others B group vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12), vitamin A and D. They are also a source of minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and selenium. Thanks to this, they support the immune system, care for bone health and affect the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Both quail eggs and chicken eggs contain lecithin, which prevents cholesterol accumulation on the walls of blood vessels (Bleso, 2015, Nutrients). So how many quail eggs can you eat a day? Due to the high cholesterol content, Moderate consumption is recommended. In the case of healthy adults, consumption of 5-6 quail eggs a day is considered safe. However, people with elevated cholesterol or heart disease should consult a doctor before introducing them to the diet.

Quail eggs should be stored in the fridge, preferably in the original packaging, to protect their delicate shells. Before use, it is worth washing them thoroughly, because they can contain salmonella bacteria, just like chicken eggs. Hard -boiled cooking takes only 4-5 minutes, and softly – about 2 minutes. Due to the small size of the shells, it is best to pump with a knife or special scissors for quail eggs.

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In terms of taste Quail eggs are slightly more intense and creamy than chicken eggswhich results from a larger proportion of protein yolks. Their consistency is more delicate, which is why they are great for elegant starters and decorations. They can be used in many ways. Here are some suggestions that can diversify the Easter table:

  • stuffed quail eggs: Hard -boiled eggs cut in half, remove the yolks and combine them with hummus, green peas or lentils, mustard or smoked salmon. Then fill the proteins with prepared stuffing,
  • Salads with quail eggs: Add hard -boiled quail eggs to salad with rocket, tomatoes and Parmesan cheese for exquisite taste,
  • pickled quail eggs: Dip cooked eggs in marinade of white wine, vinegar or beets to get an interesting taste and color,
  • You can prepare them too in jelly: Hardly quail eggs, peel and arrange in molds with chopped peas, carrots and corn. Pour with gelatin broth (2 teaspoons per 250 ml), set aside in a concentration in the fridge (3-4h). Take out and decorate with parsley.



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