Grandma chased everyone to clean the toilet board. Squeeze and scrub, and the yellow spots will disappear. There is no better way to clean the toilet board in our family

by Andrea
Rub 2 cubes on the toilet seat. Yellow stains and nasty stains will flow away with the water. How to clean a toilet seat

Do not forget about this step when washing the toilet. Why cleaning the toilet board is important

Almost everyone knows that the toilet should be cleaned thoroughly and regularly. From various types of sediments as well as bacteria and germs is the basic element of weekly house orders. Many people forget to clean the toilet board. This is a serious mistake because on the toilet board the same number of bacteria and microorganisms accumulate as inside the toilet. In addition, we touch the toilet board with your hands and we can transfer germs. As showed by Gerba’s studies on one square toilet board, there are an average of about 50 different bacteria. Interestingly, various studies indicate that there may be even more on a mobile phone or on a bacterial chopping board.

Cleaning the toilet board is not only. Often, various types of deposits and yellow stains and a stone that precipitates from the drained water gather on it. These types of dirt are eaten into the plastic surface of the toilet board and sometimes it is very difficult to clean them. Only systematically washing the toilet board will make it perfectly clean for a long time.

My grandmother rubbed it into the toilet board. A great way to a clean toilet

Many people use home methods to clean the toilet board. With yellow sediments and stone will be great or vinegar. For very large dirt, some recommend a bleach that will make the toilet board regain its original color. My grandmother was doing differently with this kind of dirt. Her secret weapon was toothpaste. For cleaning it used the cheapest toothpaste. It was enough. that she squeezed a small amount of toothpaste on the toilet board and spread thoroughly throughout the surface. She left the whole for about 10 minutes, and then the brush with soft bristles gently scrubbed. Toothpaste perfectly removes this type of dirt, and at the same time is safe for the surface. It bleacts sensational and makes the toilet board clean again. For cleaning, choose classic toothpaste, without the addition of black active carbon.


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