He had to speak! Bureš’s hand in hand with Sagan, the reaction of her husband will get you: The only bad thing I see in the photo …

by Andrea

Participants of the tenth series of Let’s Dance have good relationships with each other. This is also evidenced Peter Sagan (35) and Eva Burešová (31) hold hands and laugh. It outraged the public because Eva is a couple with Czech chef Přemko Fojt (37), with whom he has a son Tristan. Přemek still has a daughter of Stella and Eva son Nathaniel from his previous relationship.

For Forajt he revealed what he thought of the whole situation with Sagan. Eva doesn’t see anything wrong with it. “I understand, we all have a little bit elsewhere. For me it is a really common thing that is happening among friends and especially in our circles. I’d just like to clarify a few things. It was not absolutely a night walk, but a few meters in front of the Incheby building, where our show is filming and back, “she defended on the social network.

At the same time, she explained that the family came first for her and nothing like jealousy exists in her relationship with Přemko. And it seems really so. A well -known chef even joked about his partner’s photo with his partner. “The only bad thing I see in the photo is bent knees. It wouldn’t like Tatiana Drexler,” He said amused forajt.

Thus hinted at the evaluation of the juror Tatiana Drexler in the first round of Let’s Dance when Evin’s dance partner Matyáš Adamc said what they can improve in dancing. In the past, the dancer has critically commented on her address and Drexler had a lot of it in a live broadcast. You can read more about it.


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