The known as “50 euros scam“He has returned to Spain and is taking many buyers by surprise, especially in shopping centers and busy parking, according to international media as euroweeklynews. This deceptive tactic, which has begun to spread in various Spanish cities, is based on Place false tickets of 50 euros under the windshield wiper of parked vehicles.
The trick is simple: when a driver returns to his car and sees the ticket, he is attracted to investigating, but in doing so, he is quickly victim of a robbery. The scammers take advantage of the moment of distraction to steal belongings such as telephones, wallets or even, in some cases, the entire car if the keys are inside the vehicle.
The National Police has issued an alertespecially aimed at tourists, asking for extreme caution in parking and streets with high concurrence, since these places are the favorite objective of criminals. In addition, recommendations have been provided to avoid being a victim of this type of fraud, such as not leaving the vehicle if you find something strange and take the car to a safe place, such as a police station, before investigating.
This scam is not the only one in circulation in Spain, and the authorities have identified other fraudulent tactics, such as the puncture trick or scams related to car rental. The main recommendation: Always maintain security and be alert to any suspicious situation.