Lula: It is necessary to defend democracy against authoritarianism – 15/03/2025 – Brasilia today

by Andrea

The President (PT) celebrated this Saturday (15) the 40th anniversary of the inauguration of the Presidency of the Republic-an end that marked the end of (1964-1985).

“In these 40 years of democracy, despite very difficult times, we took important steps to the construction of the country we dreamed. A democratic, free and sovereign country,” he said.

Lula stated that Brazil grows with social inclusion, highlighting the generation of jobs and the fight against hunger, despite the “huge challenges”.

“Without democracy, none of this would be possible. Therefore, it is necessary to defend it every day of those who, even today, plan the return of authoritarianism,” said Lula.

“It is necessary to show new generations what was and what would be to live again under a dictatorship, and have all rights denied, including the right to life,” he added.

Sarney assumed the presidency of the Republic on March 15, 1985. He had been elected vice president of Tancredo Neves-the Minas Gerais politician, however, was hospitalized and died the following month.

In an interview with Sheetthe former president said he maintained the entire ministry chosen by Tancredo and, after his inauguration, understood that he should conduct the transition from the military dictatorship to democracy.

“I was a president marked to be deposed, like many others in the history of Brazil,” he said.

In the interview, he says he regrets criticism of Juscelino Kubitschek, recalls the depression he had in the 1980s and comments on the accusations of favoring deputies to approve his five -year term.

“I didn’t want to take over the presidency, I wanted to wait for Tancredo [que estava hospitalizado]. There was a need to assume because everyone thought, including Ulysses and Tancredo, that after such a big fight to reach that moment, if we had any doubt about who would assume, we would risk a big risk of having a problem, “he said.

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